Editorial |
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| · Editorial Analytica Laureano, Pedro Sobrino
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Articles |
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| · The symptom of separation Zocratto, Mateus Werkema
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| · About the notion of health deriving from the theory of the emocional maturation of Donald Winnicott Rodrigues, Juliana Martins; Peixoto Junior, Carlos Augusto
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| · Psychoanalysis and its pioneers in Brazil: notes on the "vigorous psychoanalyst" Karl Weissmann Afonso, Rodrigo; Mandelbaum, Belinda
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| · The impasses against loss of object: a psychoanalytic reading Leitão, Iagor Brum; Fávaro, Dayane de Souza; Figueiredo, Dalton Demoner; Comério, Suziane Kirmse
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| · Freud and the real of puberty: a reading of the Emma case Viola, Daniela Teixeira Dutra
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| · Gilberto Freyre: when words arouse pathos, affections and religion Coelho, Claudio Marcio
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| · The place and function of sublimation in clinical drug addiction Brito, Bruna Pinto Martins; Almeida, Christiane Carvalho de; Fernandes, Lucas Guilherme; Silva, Walquíria Sanches da
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| · Psicanálise e literatura - O texto como sintoma Simões, Regina Beatriz Silva
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| · Reflections on the role of the father in nervous anorexia Ferreira, Vanessa Sajnaj; Guzzoni, Caroline; Souza, Nei Ricardo de
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| · The mother-daughter relationship in "autumn sonata": psychoanalytic considerations Ortolan, Maria Lúcia Mantovanelli; Nakano, Patrícia Sayuri; Zanetti, Sandra Aparecida Serra; Sei, Maíra Bonafé
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