Editorial |
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| Castro, Lucia Rabello de |
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Featured topics |
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| · Rhyme battles with children from Favela da Maré: improvisation, duels and self-affirmation Souza, Adelaide Rezende de
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| · The deaf child "speaking" through playtime: childhood, body and the deaf ethos Torres, Maria Carmen Euler
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| · Young indigenous people and higher education in Argentina: Experiences and challenges of enrollment, maintenance and university graduation Ossola, María Macarena
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| · Youth in media: the meanings that young people attribute to Brazilian politics and politics Barroso, Elise do Socorro Gomes; Souza, Ana Paula Vieira e; Neves, Joana D’Arc de Vasconcelos
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| · Education and communication of heritage: A look at the development of creative potential in childhood Delgado, Abel Ponce; Oliva, Karima
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Open space |
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| · Adoption and the circulation of children in contemporary times Gentili, Agostina; Fonseca, Claudia
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Bibliografic information |
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| · La solidaridad como modalidad de existencia: Lo que pueden los jóvenes en las comunas de Medellín Kriger, Miriam
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