Editorial |
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| Savegnago, Sabrina Dal Ongaro |
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Featured topics |
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| · Challenges to the movement of young women in the city Menezes, Jaileila Araújo; Calado, Débora Carla Pereira; Silva, Juliana Catarine Barbosa
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| · Forum of Schools for Peace of Grande Bom Jardim: practices to confront armed violence in school territories of peripheries of Fortaleza Cavalcante, Laisa Forte; Nunes, Larissa Ferreira; Freitas, Ingrid Rabelo; Lavor Filho, Tadeu Lucas de; Barros, JoNo Paulo Pereira; Miranda, Luciana Lobo
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| · From a city in fragments to a city as a place to play: the invention of a ludic research methodology Reis, Alice Vignoli; Alvim, M?nica Botelho
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| · Belo Horizonte, an educational city(?): an analysis of actions and public policies on childhood Coelho, Luciano Silveira; Campos, T?lio; Ribeiro, Sheylazarth Presciliana; Cruz, +der Fernando Souza
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| · Mobility and autonomy in the experience of urban children: an ethnography of the public playground Ferreira, Milene Morais; Sim§es, PatrÝcia Maria Uch?a
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| · Childhood and autonomy: determinants of the independent mobility of children and adolescents in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires ArÚvalo, Carla; Grande, Pablo De
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| · Crossing borders and barriers: a look at the challenges of displacement of Venezuelan children and adolescents in Roraima - Brazil Oliveira, Janaine Voltolini de
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| · Children¦s mobilities in pandemic: unveiling children's invisible spatialities in Latin America CortÚs-Morales, Susana; Tebet, Gabriela Guarnieri de Campos; Acevedo-Rinc?n, Jenny Patricia
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| · "I feel I was reborn": the insertion of adolescents in a Protection Program SerrNo, Bianca Orrico; Santana, Juliana Prates; Ferro, Maria Jorge Santos Almeida Rama
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| · Unicef, (de)colonialities and children: black lives matter Lemos, Flßvia Cristina Silveira; Galindo, Dolores Cristina Gomes; Oliveira, Anderson Reis de; Oliveira, Mateus Moraes de
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Open space |
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| · Children and migration processes in the Latin American region Granda, Indira; Pava, Julißn Loaiza de la; Cernadas, Pablo Ceriani
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Bibliografic information |
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| · Racismo na InfÔncia, de Mßrcia Campos Eurico Passos, Rachel Gouveia
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