Editorial |
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| · Editorial Cardoso, Lucila Moraes
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Teaching and Production of Subjectivities |
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| · Bibliometric analysis of the national studies in psychodynamic work practice Machado, Lúcio de Souza; Macêdo, Kátia Barbosa
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| · Between crossings: the health of teachers in the expansion / internalization of IFMA Cardoso, Valéria Maria Lima; Ribeiro, Carla Vaz dos Santos
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| · Stress and teaching: a study in private higher education Dalagasperina, Patrícia; Monteiro, Janine Kieling
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| · Harassment in the educational context: A possibility of perverse manifestation Guimarães, Ludmila de Vasconcelos Machado; Faria, Renata Caetano Vieira de; Ferreira, Débora Teixeira Barreiros; Pena, Breno Ferreira
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| · Teaching creativity: Winnicott and the construction of subjectivities Maia, Maria Vitória Campos Mamede; Vieira, Camila Nagem Marques
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| · Subjectivation modes in the evaluative system of the graduate: to know, to wonder, to interrogate Geraldini, Janaína Rodrigues; Bicalho, Pedro Paulo Gastalho de
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| · The productive transformations in the postgraduate: the pleasure in the teaching work auspended? Ruza, Fábio Machado; Silva, Eduardo Pinto e
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Original Article |
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| · Cultural psychology and socio-education: reflections on human development and juvenile infringement Rodrigues, Dayane Silva; Oliveira, Maria Cláudia Santos Lopes de
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| · The construction of the subject in the perspective of Jean-Paul Sartre Vieira Junior, Cezar Augusto; Ardans-Bonifacino, Hector Omar; Roso, Adriane
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| · Life by a thread: perceptions about permanent cardiac pacemaker implantation Bergmann, Alba Regina Nemer; Souza, Laura Vilela e; Scorsolini-Comin, Fabio; Santos, Manoel Antônio dos
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| · Subjectivity, culture and education in Herbert Marcuse Baroni, Vivian
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| · Interventions in the emergency: the post-disaster psychoanalytic listening of the Boate Kiss Costa, Alice Moreira da; Pacheco, Maria Luiza Leal; Perrone, Cláudia Maria
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| · African ancestry of samba culture and identity Nogueira, Nilcemar; Andrade, Regina Glória Nunes; Vásquez, Georgie Echeverri
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| · Production of meanings about political militancy of women linked to the MST Oliveira, Antonimária Bandeira de Freitas; Leite, Jáder Ferreira
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Book Reviews |
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| · Work and pleasure: theory, research and practices Borges, Cicero Simões; Santos, Adelaide da Cruz
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