Dossier: The contemporary in the light of psychoanalysis |
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| · What would be a Political Subject for Alain Badiou? França Neto, Oswaldo
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| · Issues of Gender Dysphoria in Childhood: Between Psychoanalysis and Medicine Alberti, Sonia; Silva, Heloene Ferreira da
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| · Transsexuality and Sexual Difference: What the Clinic Teaches Us Rinaldi, Doris Luz; Possari, Mayara Yamauti
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| · Psychoanalysis and an Identity Political Ontology: Reading about the Expression "Black Culture" Moreira, Jacqueline de Oliveira; Santos, Alessandro Pereira dos; Siqueira, Fídias Gomes; Silva, Ana Carolina Dias
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| · Feminism in Question: Contemporary Dialogues between Psychoanalysis and Feminism Oliveira, Paula Affonso de; Nicolau, Roseane Freitas
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| · Racism, Violence and the Drug Issue in Brazil: Faces of Segregation Ribeiro, Cynara Teixeira; Nascimento, Zaeth Aguiar do
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| · Impasses in the Constitution of the Subject caused by Digital Technologies Mendes, Elzilaine Domingues
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| · Psychoanalytic Practice in front of the Contemporary Subject: Reflections from the Clinical-School Gómez, Victoria Ayelén; Chatelard, Daniela Scheinkman
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| · Storytelling as a Clinical Device in Childhood facing Brazilian Racism Rocha, Marina Gregianin; Rodrigues, Marina da Rocha; Torossian, Sandra Djambolakdjian; Gageiro, Ana Maria
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| · The Singular and the Collective: For a Policy of the Non-Whole Figueiredo, Ana Cristina Costa de
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| · The Adolescent Subject and the Body: A Psychoanalytic Reading Almeida, Pollyana Silveira de; Fernandes, Andréa Hortélio
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| · Adolescence and Social Bond: A Psychoanalytic Reading on the Use of Facebook Lima, Lívia de Matos; Rocha, Tiago Humberto Rodrigues
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| · The Role of Psychoanalysis in Deconstructing Brazilian Racism Guerra, Andréa Maris Campos
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| · The Image Policy and the Ethics of Desire in Contemporary Self-Representations Pedrosa Filho, Raimundo Benone de Araújo; Teixeira, Leônia Cavalcante
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| · School Neoliberalism: The Education of Young People Today and Its Subjective Effects Rocha, Lorenna Pinheiro; Lima, Maria Celina Peixoto; Pinheiro, Clara Virgínia de Queiroz
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