On-line version ISSN 1679-432X
The launching of 2nd series of the Winnicott e-Prints journal on January of 2006 is a natural outcome of the importance acquired by the first series. Jointly founded in 2002 by the PUCSP Research Group in Philosophy and Psychotherapy (GrupoFPP) and the Winnicott Center in São Paulo (CWSP) with the support of the UNICAMP Centre for Logic (CLE), this journal had as its initial goal the publication of work by the members and collaborators of the two founding groups, who were mostly doing research related to Winnicott's paradigm of psychoanalysis. Defined as an electronic publication of preprints, the 1st series of the Winnicott e-Prints published papers that were recommended either by one its Editorial Board members or by ad hoc referees, and which could come out in a final form later on, perhaps with revisions, in another vehicle. The main goal, therefore, was to make public the preliminary findings of projects still in progress, elaborated in accordance with the line of research of the GrupoFPP (established in 1995), rather than the publication of results considered to be definitive.