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Updated onSeptember 10, 2024

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Publication ofUniversidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
On-line version ISSN 1809-5267


The mission assigned to Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicologia has always been to welcome and to divulge the whole variety of the scientific and professional output of Psychology and related fields, be it theoretical, methodological or empirical. Thus, it remains open to contributions from every area of Psychology. The statement of purposes, which appears on every circulating copy of the journal, reads "To promote the circulation of ideas and investigations performed in the field of Brazilian Psychology, as well as of contributions from abroad." It currently informs the acknowledgement of the interfaces between the different areas of Psychology and other intellectual endeavors; of the emergent fields; of the critical perspectives; of the approaches and strategies oriented towards the cultural and social elements dealt with by contemporary Psychology, oftentimes as a response to the questions raised by society itself.

Former Title:
Arquivos brasileiros de psicologia aplicada

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