printed version ISSN 1413-6295
(until June 2017)
online version ISSN 2595-153X
(since July 2017)


  • Guidelines for submitting articles for publication
  • Reference examples


    Guidelines for submitting articles for publication


    1. The CADERNOS DE PSICANÁLISE - CPRJ welcomes submissions of unpublished articles, reviews or essays in the field of psychoanalysis for publication.

    2. E-mail submissions to: (submit materials as Word attachment).

    3. Include a cover page with the title of the work; the author`s name, title and institutional affiliation; mailing address (including ZIP code); telephone number (including area codes); and e-mail. In the body of the article, please omit the author’s name and any information that may reveal the author’s identity.

    4. Acceptance for publication is subject to CADERNOS DE PSICANÁLISE Advisory Board’s positive recommendation. Considerations include the article’s relevance to the journal’s mission, its adequacy to the journal’s standards, the argument’s clarity and language flow, the contribution of its references for the understanding, and relevance of the article’s proposed topic.

    5. The reviewers’ comments will be forwarded to the authors, though their identities will be kept confidential.

    6. When accepted, an electronic copy of the article’s final version should be emailed to: 

    When applicable, authors are expected to incorporate the suggestions of peer reviewers in the article’s version for publication.

    7. Publication is contingent on the receipt of the author’s written permission of rights for publication to CPRJ.

    8. Authors will receive a complimentary copy of the issue in which their work is published.

    9. Format

    • A4; font Times New Roman 12; line spacing 1,5cm.
    • Left margin 3cm; right margin 1,5cm; top and bottom margins 2,5cm.
    • Extension.doc (Word document).
    • Pages should be numbered.

    10. Structure: essential elements

    • Cover page should contain the title, an abstract of no more than 7 lines, and a list of keywords.

    • The text should begin on the second page, the article’s title should be omitted, and the document should not exceed 15 pages.

    • Emphasis and foreign words in italics.

    • Footnotes should be in Arabic numerals.

    • Quotes with up to 3 lines should have quotation marks and be inserted in the text. Quotes exceeding three lines should appear as single-spaced block quotations, font size 11, and without quotation marks.

    • References to authors throughout the text should appear as (author, date) or (author, date, page).

    • Pictures, graphs, photos, or maps should be submitted in separate pages, with the clear indication of where they should be included in the document; should be correctly numbered and titled; and provide source information. Submission of photographs and other visual materials should be in high definition and ready for print.

    • References should be listed according to the rules of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards - ABNT (NBR-6023/2002) and inserted after the text, listing last names in alphabetical order.

    They should be typed single-spaced and in 1.5cm spacing when separating the references to each other.

    In doubt, please refer to:

    FRANÇA, Junia Lessa et al. Manual para normalização de publicações técnico-científicas. 8ª ed. Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG. 2007.



    Reference examples


    • One author: (last name in upper case and title in italics; not the subtitle. Only the first letter of the title in upper case).

    KRISTEVA, Júlia. As novas doenças da alma. Rio de Janeiro: Rocco, 2002.

    JABBOUR, Charbelle; MARQUES, Liliam. Gêmeos: onde está a semelhança? Rio de Janeiro: Papel e Virtual, 1998.

    • More than three authors: (first author followed by the expression et al., in italics).

    KLEIN, M. et al. Développements de la psychanalyse. 6. éd. Paris: PUF, 1991.

    • Article published in a journal: (only the journal`s title, in italics).

    COSTA, Jurandir Freire. Os amores que não se deixam dizer. Cadernos de Psicanálise - CPRJ, Rio de Janeiro: CPRJ, ano 13, n. 7, p. 57-69, 1991.

    • Chapter in a Book: (dash: 6 spaces followed by dot).

    MOKREJS, Elisabete. A aplicação terapêutica do método e a formação sistematizada em psicanálise. In: ______. A psicanálise no Brasil. Petrópolis: Vozes, 1993. p.34-81.

    • Theses and dissertations:

    DA POIAN, S. M. O prazer e o simbólico na constituição do sujeito: uma análise do jogo. 1979. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia) – Instituto de Psicologia, PUC-Rio, 1979.

    Compiler, Coordinator, Editor, Organizer: (Comp.); (Coord.); (Ed.); (Org.).

    JUNQUEIRA FILHO, Luiz C. V. (Org.). Corpo-mente: uma fronteira móvel. São Paulo: Casa do Psicólogo,1995.

    • Works presented at conferences and other events:

    SAFRA, Gilberto. Intimidade e processo maturacional. In: ENCONTRO LATINO AMERICANO

    SOBRE PENSAMENTO DE D.W. Winnicott, 9., 2000, Rio de Janeiro. Anais..., 2000.

    • Conferences or other Events:

    JORNADA INTERNA DO CPRJ, 12., set./2005. Masculino/Feminino: a clínica dos novos paradigmas. Rio de Janeiro: CPRJ, 2005.

    • Documents in electronic format:

    LANNES, Edson Soares. Na fronteira do viver. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 06 set. 2007.


    We follow a special standard for Freud's articles and other psychoanalysts with extensive publications by putting the year of their first publication after their names. In the case of multiple references of the same author, the first of them should be written out and the following abbreviated.


    FREUD, Sigmund (1901). A psicopatologia da vida cotidiana. Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 1976. (Edição standard brasileira das obras psicológicas completas de Sigmund Freud, 6).

    ______. (1905). Três ensaios sobre a teoria da sexualidade. Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 1972. p. 123-253. (ESB,7).

    WINNICOTT, D. W. (1945). Desenvolvimento emocional primitivo. In: ______. Da pediatria à psicanálise: obras escolhidas. Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 2000. p.218-232.




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