ISSN 1415-6954 print version
ISSN 2175-3474 online version



Basic information

The journal Psychopedagogical Construction (Construção Psicopedagógica) is a publication of the Department of Psychopedagogy of the Sedes Sapientiae Institute, São Paulo, with semiannual periodical releases, PsiPeriodicos Indexes (Virtual Library in Health-Psychology - - ISSN1415-6954). From 2005, it has become electronic publication in the Electronic Periodicals in Psychology - Pepsic (USP). The access is done through the link

The aim of the journal is to divulge unpublished works, such as: original articles (scientific and special), researches, experience reports, points of view, interviews, review article, reviews and reports.

National and international articles present reflections, practices and scientific researches in the area of ​​education and health, focusing on the diversity of experiences and theoretical researches carried out in Brazil and in other countries; taking into account cultural diversity as well as points of view.
The proposal is to present publications that address the issues of health, education and learning according to the multiple conceptions of its authors.


Indexing sources

  • Index-Psi Periódicos

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    © 2007 Instituto Sedes Sapientiae

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