ISSN 1415-6954 print version |
General Instructions |
The journal Psychopedagogical Construction (Construção Psicopedagógica) is a publication of the Department of Psychopedagogy of the Sedes Sapientiae Institute, São Paulo, with semiannual periodical releases, PsiPeriodicos Indexes (Virtual Library in Health-Psychology - - ISSN1415-6954). From 2005, it has become electronic publication in the Electronic Periodicals in Psychology - Pepsic (USP). The access is done through the link The aim of the journal is to divulge unpublished works, such as: original articles (scientific and special), researches, experience reports, points of view, interviews, review article, reviews and reports. National and international articles present reflections, practices and scientific researches in the area of education and health, focusing on the diversity of experiences and theoretical researches carried out in Brazil and in other countries; taking into account cultural diversity as well as points of view. The reflections and practices presented by the authors will be their own responsibility. The right of publication will be granted to the journal by signing the copyright assignment letter, available at the end of this document. The online journal Construção Psicopedagógica is exempt of the affirmations issued by the authors, nevertheless, requests the use of a non-discriminatory language in relation to any social, ethnic or gender groups. Texts in Portuguese and Spanish will be accepted. |
The journal may publish articles by national and international authors covering different categories of articles: Original article: presentation of scientific papers, originals with up to 20 pages, including qualitative and quantitative researches. Special Paper: publications of authors with scientific recognition in the area on topics of great relevance for education and health. Point of View: works of relevance in the format of commentary, presenting new ideas and perspectives in the area of education and health, which express the point of view of authors who have academic recognition or productions in the area addressed, as well as the theoretical references considered. Review Article: critical evaluation of articles already published with the opinion of the scientific committee or ad hoc consultancy. Communication and point of view: presentation of critical analysis of national and foreign works, with up to 20 pages. Interviews: description of conversation between two or more people that presents significant content for the advancement of knowledge, deserving to be disclosed because it presents innovations that may have impact on the scientific production in the area addressed. Reviews: presentation of critical analysis of national or foreign works, with up to five pages. Experience Reports: The experience report is a text that describes precisely a given experience that can contribute in a relevant way to your area of expertise. |
II - Procedures for the Submission of Manuscripts
The author interested in having his/her work published by the journal Psychopedagogical Construction (Construção Psicopedagógica) should send it to the scientific editor, Editorial Committee in the email - (editor) - Ways of sending articles to the publisher: The articles should be sent in two copies, the first complete path, with the authors' names and curriculum, and the second copy with the omission of the authors’ names to be sent to the adhoc advisors or members of the scientific committee. The articles, in their two ways, (with and without indication of the authors’ names), must be accompanied by copyrights, curricula and authors' professional affiliations. The article must be previously reviewed by a qualified professional. Authors must submit, along with the article, the letter of assignment of copyright, following the template presented at the end of this document. |
The submitted papers will initially be appreciated by the Editorial Committee, besides that, some categories of scientific articles will be sent to evaluations of two consultants of the Scientific Council. If the work is approved, its publication will depend on the thematic editorial program established for each edition of the journal. National and international scientific council and the Editorial Committee follow standard criteria for the evaluation of the different categories of articles and send their opinions to the authors with the approval and possible changes necessary for publication. The evaluations of the commission will be sent to the publishing company that will forward the approval, with observations or proposed changes, so that the article is published according to the criteria of pertinence, consistency and originality in the area of education and health. During the process of evaluation and submission of articles, the author's anonymity will be kept, as well as the names of the evaluators in secrecy. The decision as to the date of publication will be subject to the editorial program established and will be communicated by the Editorial Committee. |
Note: The updated guidelines presented below on the structure and formatting of articles are valid for volumes released as of the first half of 2011. The work should contain in its structure the following elements in the order below and detailed in item V. 1. Pre-Textual Elements: 1.1. Title inPortuguese or Spanish - term or expression, according to ABNT norms, which indicates the content of the text. 1.2. Authorship - name (s) of the author (s), followed by the academic qualification that qualifies them in the area of knowledge of the text, institution to which they are attached, address (s) ) and contact email (s). 1.3. Summary - in Portuguese or Spanish, presenting intended objectives, the methodology used and the conclusions reached in the article; finalized by keywords. 1.4. Title in English - title. 1.5 Abstract and keywords. 2. Textual Elements
3. Post-Textual Elements Final terms: optional thanks to professional and institutional staff, bibliographic references and notes. The work should follow the following guidelines in the use of the elements: 1) Figures, tables, graphs and diagrams - must be sent in the body of the article. When extracted from other works, previously published, must be accompanied by the written permission for its reproduction and the citation of the source. 2) Abbreviations, nomenclature, footnotes - the use of abbreviations should be minimal. Footnotes should be used if strictly necessary. They should be noted in the text and appended after the references with the subtitle "footnote" 3) Citations and bibliographical references must follow ABNT norms. 4) Attachments should be avoided. The Editor can be consulted if there is some doubt. |
V - Formatting Standards Adopted
The texts submitted must follow the ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Norms) standards, following the following criteria: typing in Word for Windows, A4 size, upper / lower and right / left margins of 2.5 cm, letter in Arial font, page with 1,400 characters with space, according to the requirements of each category of article, explained in item I of this guide. The article can not exceed the number of 20 pages. An article should contain: For the Original article: a) Introduction; b) Material and Method; c) Development c) Results; d) Discussion; e) Conclusions f) References For the Review article: a) Introduction; b) Methodology; c) Development d) Conclusions d) References Formatting Model: TITLE IN PORTUGUESE OR SPANISH (ARIAL 14 CAPITAL - BOLD) Author’s name (Arial 12 italic- right-aligned) followed by * or 1 All authors should appear with the affiliation just below the name. In case there is no affiliation, put the city, state and country in which it acts. Ex.: Fatima B. Camargo * (Arial 12)
Summary (Arial 12 bold) Text in Arial 12 - Spacing between lines 1 (single) Keywords (Arial 12 bold): words (Arial 12) separated by commas and with the first letter always in upper case. TITLE IN ENGLISH- (ARIAL 14 CAPITAL LETTER-BOLD) bstract (Arial 12 bold) Text in Arial 12 - Spacing between lines 1 (single) Keywords (Arial 12 bold): words (Arial 12) separated by commas and with the first letter always in upper case. Footnote *or 1 Qualification (Arial 8) Ex.: * Psychopedagogue and Psychologist or 1 Psychopedagogue and Psychologist. Subtitles (Arial 13 Bold, High and Low, ie, First Capital Letters) Quotes - Arial 10 with indentation at 4 cm, simple spacing between lines. Acknowledgments should be placed before references (Arial 12) Textual elements and textual posts should follow the pattern: Arial font 12 spacing 1,5.
References (Arial 13 bold) References in the same font and text size (Arial 12) Examples below, depending on the different sources of query: ABAURRE, Maria Bernadete; FIAD, Rachel; MAYRINK-SABINSON, Maria Laura. Cenas da aquisição da escrita: o sujeito e o trabalho com o texto. Campinas: Mercado das Letras, 1997 ALEXANDRE SOBRINHO, Gilberto. O autor multiplicado: em busca dos artifícios de Peter Greenaway. 2004. 194 p. Tese (Doutorado em Multimeios) – Instituto de Artes, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, 2004. BASSI, C.A. Cold: a tecnologia quente. In: INFOIMAGEM, 1995, São Paulo. Anais. São Paulo: CENADEM, 1995. 1 CD-ROM. BAUMAN, BRASIL. Ministério da Justiça. Relatório de atividades. Brasília, DF, 1993. FERNANDES, Alicia. A inteligência aprisionada: abordagem psicopedagógica psiclínica da criança e sua família. Porto Alegre: Artes Médicas, 1991. MAZIERO, Diana. A “fineza do amor” no teatro sacro-retórico-exemplar do Padre Antônio Viera (em catorze sermões escolhidos para este fim). 2004. 169 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, 2004. POLITY, Elizabeth. Dificuldades de ensinagem: um olhar relacional-sistêmico para a prática psicopedagógica. Construção Psicopedagógica, São Paulo, ano XI, n.8, p.10-23, 2003. ROMANO, Giovanni. Imagens da juventude na era moderna. In: LEVI, G.; SCHMIDT, J. (Orgs.). História dos jovens 2. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1996. SCHWARTZ, Adriano. Pretérito e futuro de Machado. Folha de São Paulo. São Paulo, 08 abr. 2007. Caderno Mais, p. 7. SILVA, M. M. L. Crimes da era digital. NET. Rio de Janeiro, nov. 1998. Seleção Ponto de Vista. Disponível em: Access in: 28 nov. 1998. VIEIRA, Cássio Leite; LOPES, Marcelo. A queda do cometa. Neo interativa. Rio de Janeiro, n. 2, inverno 1994. 1 CD-ROM.
Letter of Assignment of copyright to the Sedes Sapientiae Institute
Declaration I, ......................................., I am responsible for the content of the work and I agree with the publication rules of the Electronic Journal of Psychopedagogical Construction of the Department of Psychopedagogy of the Sedes Sapientiae Institute, for which early the copyright of the aforementioned article.
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