ISSN 2318-9282 online version



Peer Review Process

The journal only accepts original manuscripts that have not been published, or submitted, to other journals.

The peer review process follows the below stages:

1st stage

After submission the manuscripts are evaluated according to the stipulated norms (Policies for all sections).  In this stage, which is carried out by the Editorial Team, all required items for submission are checked, as well as required filling in of the forms for submission.  In case of mistakes, the authors will be notified and the submission is cancelled.

At this stage, there is a preliminary evaluation of the article concerning its adequacy to the scope of the journal, the general quality of the text, and its relevance for the area of childhood and youth studies.

2nd stage

The manuscripts that were approved in the previous stage are sent to the review process by ad-hoc reviewers who are appointed by the Editors.  The submissions are sent to double blind review where authors’ and reviewers’ identities are not revealed.  In case of controversy between the two reviewers, a third one is asked to review. The Editorial Committee has the prerogative to propose modifications in the text that are considered relevant for its clarity and the fastness of the editorial process.

The reviews elaborated by the reviewers lead to the following results:

i) approval of the manuscript without alterations;
ii) approval of the manuscript with recommendations to alter;
iii) recommendation to re-submit;
iv) rejection of the manuscript.

After the manuscripts have been through the process of revision and alteration, it is the Editorial Committee’s responsibility for the final decision of publication of the manuscript, including the demand for further alterations. The authors will be notified of all stages in the review process.

The authors are not asked for any submission or publication charges (APC).


Guidelines for reviewers and authors


The evaluation should be based on the academic and scientific merit of the work, and should not be influenced, positively or negatively, by personal biases, monetary reasons or prejudice.

The submissions and the details of the reviews are kept under confidentiality.  In case there is a conflict of interest, the reviewer should inform the Editors who will appoint other reviewers.  The evaluation should be attentive to other irregularities such as identification of plagiarism, falsification of results or redundant publication.


The indication of authorship in a scientific work is dependent on the following conditions:

  1. an intellectual contribution, directly and substantially to the conception of the research process (conceptualisation of the research question, data collection, analysis and interpretation of the results);
  2. the active participation in the construction of the different versions of the text;
  3. the responsibility for authorship.

The authors should declare the existence of conflict of interest, when it is the case, filling in the appropriate fields in the submission process.


Policies for all sections

1. Manuscripts, interviews and book reviews can be submitted in Portuguese OR Spanish to the Editorial Board who is responsible for the editorial process.  The submission is online through the electronic process management found at:

2. The submission of manuscripts is possible only through confirmation by the author that all the conditions for submission have been fufilled. Otherwise, submissions can be rejected at this initial stage. Therefore, we recommend that authors revise their manuscripts accordingly before submitting.

3. Only original manuscripts – articles, interviews and book reviews - will be accepted.

4. All manuscripts have to be sent in Word format ‘.doc’ , ‘.docx’, or “odt”, font Arial 11, in double space.

5. Together with the manuscripts, a short biographical note of the authors is required in three lines maximum, including institutional affiliation ande mail.  This information should be sent in the author’s language, Portuguese OR Spanish.  Their photos are also requested.  In case of submission of an interview, biographical information about the interviewer and the interviewee is requested.

6. Authors of articles and interviews are required to send with their manuscripts the title and the abstract in Portuguese, Spanish and English, together with 4 to 5 key words in these 3 languages. The abstracts and key-words should be inserted at the end of the manuscript after the references, the first abstract being that of the author’s language.

7. References have to be presented in alphabetical order at the end of the manuscript according to ABNT norms (NBR 6023, 2002).

8. Only the references mentioned in the body of the manuscript should appear in the reference section. Examples for references:


Books by one author only:
CASCUDO, L. C. Dicionário do Folclore Brasileiro. 12. ed. São Paulo: Global, 2012.

Books by two or more authors:
CASTRO, L. R.; CORREA, J. Mostrando a real: um retrato da juventude pobre do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro: NAU Editora; FAPERJ, 2005.

In book references of three authors all of them are quoted, their names separated by semicolon.  In cases of more than three authors, only the first author is quoted followed by the expression ‘et al.’ (no italics).

Articles in journals:
TORRES, M. C. E.; CASTRO, L. R. Resgatando e atualizando os sentidos da autoridade: um percurso histórico. Paidéia (USP), Ribeirão Preto, v. 19, n. 42, p. 87-96, jan./abr. 2009.

Book chapter:
GALINKIN, A. L.; ALMEIDA, A. M. O. Representações sociais da violência entre adolescentes e professores de classe média. In: CASTRO, L. R.; CORREA, J. (Org.). Juventude Contemporânea: perspectivas nacionais e internacionais. Rio de Janeiro: Nau/Faperj, 2005. p. 229-232.

Theses and dissertations:
CORDEIRO, D. M. A. Juventude nas sombras: escola, trabalho e moradia em territórios de precariedades. 2008. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) – Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, 2008.

Electronic reference:
OBSERVATORIO NACIONAL DE LOS DERECHOS DEL NIÑO Y DEL ADOLESCENTE. IHA 2009/2010: los hombres negros adolescentes son las principales víctimas de homicidios en Brasil. Disponível em: <http://www.obscriancaeadolescente. &view=article&id=722:iha-20092010-adolescentes-negros-do-sexo-masculino-sao-as-principais-vitimas-de-homicidios-no-brasil&catid=34:noticias&Itemid=106>. Acesso em 14 abr. 2013.

Classical publication reedited at a later date:
WINNICOTT, D. W. Objetos Transicionais e Fenômenos Transicionais. In: ______. O brincar e a realidade. Rio de Janeiro: Imago Editora, 1971 (Original de 1951).

Reference with translator:
LUJAN, R. P. Um presente especial. Tradução Sonia da Silva. 3. ed. São Paulo: Aquariana, 1993.

9. Quotations and footnotes


The quotations in the manuscript and the footnotes follow the norms of ABNT (NBR 10520, 2002).

Quotations with three lines come within the main text in inverted commas followed by a parenthesis with surname of the author, year of publication and page number (ex. LIMA, 1999, p. 27).

Quotations with more than three lines will be indented: 1.25 cm, font 10, with the indication of author, date, page number in parentheses.

References without literal quotation are incorporated in the text.
Ex.: According to Cordeiro (2008)… .

In case of publications of the same author published in different dates, please follow:
(DREYFUSS, 1989, 1991, 1995)
(CRUZ; CORREA; COSTA, 1998, 1999, 2000)

In case of quoting different publications of different authors, please follow:
Ex:  (CROSS, 1984; KNOX, 1986; MEZIROW, 1991).

The quoting of classical editions with republication date please follow: Winnicott (1971/1951)…..

Footnotes, which aim at clarifying aspects of the text, come at the end of the page in arabic numerals following one only consecutive sequence.  They should be formatted in font Arial 10, justified, single spacing.

In case of quoting an author who has been quoted in a different publication other than the original one, please quote only the referenced publication, as follows: “Arendt (1968, quoted in Bignotto, 2008)...”.

10. Use of italics and double inverted commas:

Use of italics: a) book titles, journals, articles, chronicles etc, with the first word only in capital letter (ex.: Gabriela cravo e canela; A casa das sete mulheres); b) foreign words and expressions (goal, american way of life), except: names of institutions (Library of Congress), corporations (Edizione Scientifiche Italiane), countries (United Kingdom), persons (Claude Lévy-Strauss); c) expressions that are emphasized (with parcimony).

Use of the double inverted commas: preferentially, only for quotations in the body of the text. They can also be used in case of neologisms or words used in a metaphorical sense (with parcimony); do not use simple inverted commas unless in case of commas inside commas.

11. It is importante that the manuscript should not contain any identification of authorship, and than includes references to the author’s earlier works, institutional affiliation, as well as information in the area of properties of the document.  To erase the latter, there are several ways depending on the version of Word or other editor.  In the menu Help, follow the guidelines to remove the personal identificatory information from the document.

12. Images should have high quality (minimum resolution of 300 dpi) jpg. format.


Specific editorial policies for the section HIGHLIGHTED THEMES

The manuscripts in this section should critically discuss an issue about childhood and youth in the Latin American context. As a scientific research work, the manuscript should contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge in the area, written by a specialist – professor, researcher – to the scientific community but also to a larger readership – postgraduate students, and non specialists. The manuscripts should have a clear style.  Manuscripts related to professional case experience can be included when they contribute to professional practice and the problematization of theoretical aspects.

1. Manuscripts should have between 5,000 to 8,000 words in length.

2. Three abstracts – in Portuguese, Spanish and English - of approximately 150 words are requested at the end of the article, after the references, followed by 4 to 5 keywords that convey the overall discussion of the manuscript. The key words should be separated by commas, with the first letter in capital.

3. Tables, graphics and figures should be sent separately. An indication in the text of where they should come into is required. In case images and photos are included, authors are required to send the permission for their use.

4. The sections in the body of the text should not begin a new page. The title should be centralized and only the first letter is in capital.  The subtitles should be aligned to the left with the first letter in capital.


Specific editorial policies for the section OPEN SECTION

This section is intended for the publication of written or video interviews, that deal with current and/or controversial theme in child and youth area. Interviews should be intended to state the views of the interviewee, as well as to explore, along with it, the complexity of the debate on the issue. The interviews are meant primarily to obtain statements that are likely to analyze favorable and unfavorable aspects of the topic discussed.

1. The beginning of the interview should contain a short presentation of the interviewee accounting his or her relevance to the theme of the interview. The interviewer should also situate his/her relationship to the issue.

2. In order to inquire about the relevance of prospective themes and topics for interviews, the Editorial Board should be contacted.

3. Interviews should have between 2,000 to 5,000 words in length, or if in video, 40 minutes at most.

4. In case of interviews in video format, they should be sent in DVD, high resolution SD or HD, format .mov or .avi  accompanied by its transcription in Word.  The DVD should be sent by post to the journal’s address.

5. Four to five keywords are requested to be included at the end of the interview transcription. The title, abstract and key words should be sent in Portuguese, Spanish and English.


Specific editorial policies for Book Reviews

Book reviews should critically evaluate recent publications on childhood and youth published through the ISBN system in Latin America.

1. Book reviews should have between 1,500 and 2,000 words in length.

2. An image of the book cover is required, in .jpg or .tiff archive, resolution of 300 dpi.

3. Three to five keywords should come at the end of the book review.

4. Book reviews should contain the complete bibliographical reference of the book: title, author, publisher, city of publisher, date of publication, quantity of pages and ISBN.

5. A title for the reviews, different from the title of the book, should be included.

6. Quotations and references should follow the general rules of manuscripts.  The reference of the reviewed book should come in bold font


Authorship Rights

The submission of manuscripts to the Journal means the cession of the rights of publication to DESIDADES.  In case of publication, copyrights will be automatically transferred to the journal DESIDADES, without any charge.  The author/s can, nonetheless, publish part, or the integral version later on.  In either case the author/s should mention the first publication in DESIDADES. In either case the author/s should mention the first publication in DESIDADES. Authors are entirely responsible for the opinions expressed in their publications.


Submittance of the Manuscripts

Manuscripts should be submitted in the DESIDADES site, at the periodical site of UFRJ:

Authors will be notified of the receipt of their texts.

In case of submissions of interviews in video, the transcription should follow the online submission system, and the DVD should be sent by post to the following address:

NIPIAC – Núcleo Interdisciplinar de Pesquisa para a Infância e Adolescência Contemporâneas
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Campus da Praia Vermelha
Av. Pasteur 250 – Prédio da Decania do CFCH
Rio de Janeiro CEP 22290-902



Submission of Article / Review / Interview

Before submitting the material, carefully read the rules for publication. Articles, reviews or interviews will be evaluated by consultants in the blind-review format, and it is up to the Editorial Board to decide whether or not to recommend their publication.

To submit your article, review or interview, visit the DESIDADES website at UFRJ magazines and follow the guidelines provided.



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NIPIAC – Núcleo Interdisciplinar de Pesquisa para a Infância e Adolescência Contemporâneas
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Campus da Praia Vermelha
Av. Pasteur 250 – Prédio da Decania do CFCH
Rio de Janeiro CEP 22290-902