Studies and Researches in Psychology was first published in 2001. It is a quarterly journal of the School of Psychology of Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ) – a Brazilian public university – which emphasizes the publication of original articles, research reports, PhD thesis reports and reviews in the field of Psychology and related areas. It also publishes translations of scholarly articles, duly accompanied by the consent of the original publication source, film reviews and interviews that contribute new knowledge and understanding to the area. The journal welcomes investigations from various areas of knowledge in the Human Sciences that contribute new knowledge and understanding to issues in the field of Psychology. In this way, the Editorial Board – composed of professors from the School of Psychology and from the Graduate Program of the same School – intends to be in line with the perspective that considers the psis knowledges and practices an interdisciplinary field. Studies and Research in Psychology publishes original scientific articles of relevance in the field so as to promote the production of knowledge in Psychology and to introduce advances in the fields of Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Psychoanalysis and the History of Psychology. The journal welcomes articles, reviews, PhD thesis and research reports, translations of articles, film reviews and interviews. The thematic coverage lies classified at CNPq as Humanities; Psychology. |
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Studies and Research in Psychology automatically holds the copyright deriving from the publication of the works. The full or partial reproduction of each text (over 500 words of the original text) must be requested in writing to the Editor. |
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© 2014 Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia
Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Instituto de Psicologia
R. São Francisco Xavier, 524, sl. 10.005, bl. F - Maracanã
20550-013 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Brasil
Tel.: +55 21 2334-0651