ISSN 1676-3041 printed version
ISSN 1808-4281 online version


Rules for Publication
Editorial Policy
Preparation of Originals
Presenting Images and Charts
Presenting Citations and References
Procedures for Text Evaluation
Statement of Responsibility
Information to the Authors
Submission of Texts
Submission Preparation Checklis


Rules for Publication


Studies and Researches in Psychologyaccepts texts written in Portuguese, English and Spanish in the following formats:

  • Research Report: research based on empirical data using scientific methodology. It should be between 15 and 25 pages, including abstract, resumo, resumen, figures, tables and references, not including the cover page (attached as a supplementary document). Subtopic Suggestion: Introduction, Method (Participants, Instruments, Procedures (data collection and ethics), Data Analysis, Results, Discussion (or Results and Discussion together) and Final Considerations (optional). In a single topic, Final Considerations are required.

  • Theoretical study / literature review:  analysis of theoretical constructs, discussion of themes and theoretical foundations, leading to the questioning of existing models, critical reflection of themes or concepts, culminating in notes that suggest a critical and innovative perspective in the field of Psychology and their interfaces. It should be between 15 and 25 pages, including abstract, abstract, abstract, figures, tables and references, not including the cover page (attached as a supplementary document).

  • Review:  critical summary of national (published in the last two years) or foreign (published up to 5 years) works, which aims to guide the reader in relation to aspects of the book, such as characteristics, possibilities and contributions to the field of Psychology. It should be between 6 and 10 pages, including abstract, abstract, abstract and references, not including the cover page (attached as a supplementary document).

Film reviews  are also allowed, which must clearly demonstrate the link with the field of Psychology. In addition, it must necessarily identify a theoretical framework:

  • Research Report: Experience Report:  Complete and succinct report of professional experience, of social and scientific relevance and with even partial results. It should be between 15 and 25 pages, including abstract, resumo, resumen, figures, tables and references, not including the cover page (attached as a supplementary document).

  • Translation:  translations of texts (articles, essays, etc.) relevant to the area and nonexistent in Portuguese. Must contain title, name (s) of author (s) and translator (s). It is necessary to send a scanned copy of the original used in the translation, as well as the digitized authorization (from the editor and / or author) for publication.  There is no page limit.

  • Interview:  conducted with authors or professionals with relevant contributions to the area. They should contain the name (s) of the interviewee (s) and interviewer (s) and a presentation of a maximum of one page, aiming to situate the interviewee to the readers. Consent of respondent (s) to publication of material is required.  There is no page limit.


Editorial Policy


On the set of criteria and orientations about scientific publications and the roles of the main authors involved in the editorial process, we work in compliance with the American Psychological Association Manual (APA) 6th

We also conform to, both from an ethical and operational point of view, the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (, which aim to encourage the identification of plagiarism, bad practices, fraud and possible violations of ethics.

The Study and Research in Psychology Journal is a signatory of the San Francisco Declaration on Research and Assessment (DORA), a set of recommendations which aims to better the ways in which scientific production is evaluated by funding agencies, academic institutions and other parts.



Prior to submission, authors must agree to adopt the following criteria:

- Papers that feature the utilization of either data or analysis and interpretation of data from other publications must reference them in an explicit manner;

- In the writing of papers that contain a critical summary of another author’s intellectual content, these authors must be accordingly mentioned;

- all authors must meet the unpublished authorship criteria and none of the researchers involved in the research may be omitted from the list of authors;

- for text submission, it is necessary that the authors explicitly state that they have followed the ethical and professional research procedures.



Preparation of Originals


The texts must be typed in Microsoft Word and double-spaced, with left, right, bottom and top margin of 2.5 cm, in Times New Roman font, body 12, and all pages must be numbered (top corner right) and justified alignment. The journal adopts the norms and style of publication of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) (6th edition, 2012).

Upon submission, the author must submit three files:

1) Manuscript text

Manuscripts should be presented in the following order:

- Titles

With a maximum of 15 words, in Portuguese, English and Spanish. The title should be centered and contain the initial letters of each word in upper and lower case. Do not put in Bold.

- Abstract in portuguese (Resumo), in english and in spanish (Resumen)

Abstracts should contain 150 to 200 words, single line spacing and justified alignment. They should not contain citations or abbreviations.

- For Research Report, the abstract must include a brief description of the problem investigated, objective, pertinent characteristics of the sample, method used for data collection, results and conclusions (or final considerations, in the case of qualitative studies). Final considerations should present the implications or applications of the knowledge produced.

- Provide, after the summary, three to five keywords (in Portuguese, English and Spanish), with lowercase initials and separated by commas. To use the most appropriate descriptors, please refer to the list of BVS-Psi terminologies that can be accessed at:

- Text Structure

- The text should have an easily recognizable organization, signaled by a system of titles and subtitles that reflect this organization. Since the introduction of the manuscript is easily identifiable by its position in the text, it is not necessary to insert the title "Introduction".

The entire structure of the text must be in accordance with the norms and style of publication of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) (6th edition, 2012).

- Footnotes. They should be avoided whenever possible. However, if there is no other possibility, they should be inserted by Arabic numerals in the text and placed as endnotes.

- Figures and Tables. Suggested places for inserting figures and tables should be indicated in the text and they should be presented after the References, one per page. The words Figures and Tables, which appear in the text, must always be written with the first letter capitalized and must be accompanied by the respective number to which they refer. APA 6th Edition norms do not include tables or graphs, only tables and figures. See more details in Presentation of Figures and Tables.

If the manuscript presents photographs of people, a signed permission must be sent by them authorizing the use of their image. It is also necessary to send an original letter of authorization from the photographer or company holding the grant and the right to use the image. The body of the letter must contain that the photographer or the company owns the rights to the images and that the copyrights to the journal Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia. It is important to emphasize that the authors are responsible for any rights of reproduction of the images that make up the manuscript and that Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia is not responsible for the cost of image property rights in any modality.

- Authors quotes. Authors citations should be made according to the norms of APA 6th Edition. All names of authors whose works are cited should be followed by the date of publication, the first time they are cited in each paragraph. In the case of full transcription of a text, it should be delimited by quotation marks and the author's citation should be followed by the page number cited. A literal citation of 40 or more words should be presented in a new paragraph, body 12 and a 1.25 cm indent from the left margin. Do not use commands such as bold or italics in this section. The italics must be underlined.

- Reference Lists. The manuscript must have a maximum of 30 references. Use double space, 1.25 cm offset and leave no space between quotes. References should be cited in alphabetical order by the surname of the authors, which should not be replaced by dashes or dashes. References must appear in accordance with APA 6th Edition guidelines. Per APA 6th Edition guidelines, articles in journals with DOI must have their number (for example, doi: XX.XXX/XXXX-XXXXXX). For articles in periods without DOI, Dissertations and Theses and other references, you must provide the URLs (for example, Retrieved from http: // ...). The DOI and URL must be active and ready for immediate access.

2) Cover Sheet

- Authors should download the Cover Sheet template at , and submit as “Supplementary Document”.

- The section to which the text is being submitted: Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Psychoanalysis or History of Psychology;

• Type of text: Research report, theoretical study / literature review, review, experience report, translation and interview.

• Title with a maximum of 15 words, in Portuguese, English and Spanish;

• Name (s) of author (s), institutional affiliation, ORCID, mini-curriculum up to 150 characters, mailing address, telephone and e-mail address of each author;

• Indication of the specific contribution of each author, having as a minimum requirement for authorship credit: (a) Active participation in the discussion of results; (b) Review and approval of the final version of the paper.

• Funding information obtained (if any) We call the authors' attention to remove any type of identification from the text and the file sent to the journal in order to preserve their identity. Guidelines at <>.

3) Submission Checklist

The lead author should download the Submission Checklist available at , sign, scan and submit as “Supplementary Document”.



Presenting Images and Charts


It is necessary to refer to the images and charts within the text and indicate where they should appear. Those should be attached at the end of the text, one per page, and should follow the format defined in the sixth edition of the Publication Manual of the American Physiological Association (APA, 2012).

Images must be presented as JPEG files from 200dpi to 400dpi.

Tables, including titles and notes, should be produced in black and white with the Word Insert tool (not paste as a picture) and inserted one per page at the end of the references. The table cannot exceed (17.5 x 23.7) cm (width x length). For other details, especially for anomalous cases, please refer to APA’s manual. The quantity of figures and tables cannot exceed five units.



Presenting Citations and References


The presentation of citations and references must conform to the sixth edition of the Publication Manual of the American Physiological Association (APA, 2012).

Footnotes are to be avoided. In case they are absolutely necessary, they must be presented as endnotes, and they must conform to the sixth edition of the Publication Manual of the American Physiological Association (APA, 2012).



Procedures for text Evaluation


The editors will: evaluate the text content (looking for any evidence of plagiarism), identify duplicate submissions, already published texts and possible research frauds;

The text will be forwarded to double-blind review in compliance with the publishing criteria of Studies and Research in Psychology.

The final approval of the text is reserved to the Editorial Board. The complete evaluation forms will be sent to the authors. If those indicate a need for corrections and if the authors are interested in reformulating the text, the new version must be accompanied by a letter of reformulation addressed to the editor containing a reproduction of the reviewers’ requests, how they were met and a justification for the requests that were not. The alterations in the text must be written in blue and the “Comment Tool” of Microsoft Word cannot be used.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to make small alterations or cuts in the work, with a goal of making it uniform with the journal’s publication criteria, as long as none of these alterations result in changes in content. The Editorial Board also reserves the right to decide on special cases, so that the quality and periodicity of the journal are preserved .



Statement of Responsibility


The author(s) are solely responsible for the content of the original work, even if reformulated, which is published in Studies and Research in Psychology. The author(s) are also solely responsible for the ethical and legal aspects inherent to the making of scientific work in the virtual space.





Studies and Research in Psychology automatically holds the copyright deriving from the publication of the works. The full or partial reproduction of each text (over 500 words of the original text) must be requested in writing to the Editor.

Studies and Research in Psychology Journal is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs.

Permissions beyond the scope of this license might be available at revispsi/

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be of exclusive use to services provided by this publication, and will not be available for other purposes or to any third parties whatsoever.



Information to the Authors


The texts must be submitted through the electronic publication process management system available at Studies and Research in Psychology website. Authors should follow the steps described at revispsi/author/ submit. In case there are questions about the process of submission, contact us through the following e-mail:



Submission of Texts


If you do not have a Username and Password for the Journal, follow the steps below to sign up:

1. Click on SIGN UP (see the menu for the Journal)

2. Fill out the form with the following information: username, password, first name, middle name, last name, initials, sex, institution, email, country – and them check the option AUTHOR. At the end, click SIGN UP.

Submission via the OJS system

1. After signing up, go into the system. To do that, fill out all the username and password information to the right of the menu; to confirm, click on Access;

2. Click on New Submission.

3. In “Step 1. Beginning”, select the section to which you wish to submit the text. Confirm the submission conditions, in case your text is in accordance with them; agree on the Journal’s Copyright, click on Save and then Continue.

4. Click on Choose File to transfer your text, select it, click on Open and then Transfer, click on Save and Continue.

5. Fill out the fields with all the author’s information on “Step 3. Metadata of submission (indexing)”, which must contain the following: name of author(s), title, identification of the author(s)’ institutional affiliation, city/town, state/province and country of origin, as well as email address(es). Note: if there is more than one author, click on Add Author; add info to the text (title, abstract, keywords, etc.). Click on Save and Continue.

6. “Step 4: Transfer of supplementary documents”, transfer the title page. Click on Choose File, select the title page file, click on Open and then on Transfer, fill out the title with Title Page and click on Save and Continue.

7. Check if all the files sent are correct and click on Conclude Submission.



Submission Preparation Checklist


As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

    1. The submitted manuscript is original, that is, it cannot have been previously published in any other journal, neither be simultaneously under consideration for publication; if so, it must be justified in the Editor’s Comments.

    2. The authors explicitly state they have followed all the ethical procedures.

    3. Submission files are in Microsoft Word format (as long as they do not exceed 4MB).

    4. The text should follow the guidelines described in the Preparation of Originals section. The lead author should download the Submission Checklist, complete, sign, scan and submit as “Supplementary Document”.

    Version in Portuguese available at link

    English version available at link

    Spanish version available at link

    5. The text conforms to the stylistic standards in the Author’s Guidelines, in the section about the Journal, and the citations and references conform to the sixth edition of the Publication Manual of the American Physiological Association (APA, 2012).

    6. Any form of author identification was removed from the file and from the Properties option in Microsoft Word, thus guaranteeing the journal’s confidentiality criterion, if submitted for peer review (e.g.: articles), according to instructions available at  Ensuring Double Blind Review.





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© 2014 Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia

Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Instituto de Psicologia
R. São Francisco Xavier, 524, sl. 10.005, bl. F - Maracanã
20550-013 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Brasil
Tel.: +55 21 2334-0651