Estilos da Clínica. Revista sobre a Infância com Problemas [Clinic Styles. The Journal on the vicissitudes of childhood] is from 2019 a publication of LEPSI IP / FE USP [Laboratory of studies on psychoanalytic and educational research on childhood, from the Institute of Psychology and the Faculty of Education of the University of São Paulo] and edited by the Faculty of Education of USP, in collaboration with Lugar de Vida, Center of Therapeutic Education. Founded in 1996 as a Lugar de Vida publication and with the editorial seal of the Institute of Psychology, it was later published by LEPSI IP / FE USP in collaboration with Lugar de Vida. Initially edited in paper twice a year, it has passed from 2013 to be done quarterly and exclusively in electronic form. Estilos da Clínica receives for publication texts in Portuguese, English, French, Italian and Spanish.
• National Evaluation B1 by CAPES / ANPEPP
• National Evaluation B1 by CAPES / ANPED
• Considered Revue Qualifiante in France by the National Council of Universities (area of education sciences).
• Copies available electronically in the USP Portal of Journals and in the Portal of Periodicals in Psychology of the Virtual Health Library (Brazil).
Estilos da Clinica. Revista sobre a Infância com problemas aims to support an editorial space of an interdisciplinary nature, having psychoanalysis as a guideline. It is focused on the discussion of childhood vicissitudes as well as on the discussion of family and school education. In principle, each issue is structured around a set of texts that compose a "Thematic Dossier", in addition to a series of articles, which may also include other texts inserted in the sections "Fundamentals", "Institutional experiences", "Interview", "Historical text" or "Bibliographic review". The journal recently began the dissemination of the defenses of doctoral theses registered in the field of psychoanalytic studies on education under the heading "Current Research" spontaneously communicated to the editors of the journal by those interested. The journal accepts for publication unpublished texts sent spontaneously by the authors. It is given to the editors the choice of the section in which it will be published, if accepted. The journal also receives proposals for the publication of Thematic Dossiers, suggested by one or two researchers. In 1996, Clinic Styles started to be edited on paper twice a year. From 2013 onwards, it was published quarterly. Also, in 2013, it started to be published exclusively in electronic form. It receives texts in Portuguese, English, French, Italian and Spanish. Clinic Styles develops its work in accordance with ethical principles and respect for academic culture and intellectual production. In response to needs for corrections, revisions, clarifications or retractions, it maintains permanent dialogue with its authors, referees and readers. The magazine safeguards its editorial process from commercial or financial interests. If the publication of the article may raise doubts about potential conflicts of interest, the authors should declare in a final note that no links have been omitted to funding bodies, as well as commercial or political institutions. Likewise, mention should be made of the institution to which the authors may be related or that has collaborated in the execution of the study, evidencing that there are no conflicts of interest with the result presented therein. It is necessary to inform that any gathering of data and information involving directly subjects obeyed the established ethical procedures for scientific research. It is necessary to guarantee anonymity to research subjects and, if necessary, to institutions, unless permission is granted for identification; the authorization or restriction on the identification must be informed, in a note, in the body of the article. The same principle applies to the dissemination of images of people and / or institutions.
The publication of an article in Clinic Styles automatically implies that the author (s) fully and exclusively transfers the copyrights of the first edition to the journal, without any fees. After the first publication, the authors are authorized to take additional contracts, independent of the journal, for the dissemination of the work by other means (e.g. institutional repository or book chapter), provided that the complete source is cited, with0 the references of the same authorship of the original publication. The ideas and opinions expressed in the article are the sole responsibility of the author, not necessarily reflecting the views of the journal.
According to the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics – COPE, the journal understands that any form of plagiarism is not acceptable and uses electronic plagiarism checker iThenticat. Authors must respond to the requirements of originality and novelty of the article, in whole or in part, and ensure the explicitness of all sources and references that compose the manuscript. The decision whether or not to publish an article is based on principles of ethics in the research and dissemination of information, respecting the current legislation and good conduct in the academic culture. Factors related to political or ideological positioning, as well as differences in theoretical and methodological perspectives within the field of psychoanalytic studies in education, should not influence the actions and decisions made during the editorial process. Thematic Dossiers can be proposed spontaneously by one or two researchers from different universities or national or foreign research centers, and for this purpose contact the editors. Proposals must contain between 4 and 7 texts. At least one of these must come from a foreign university, as well as most of the others, by researchers from different universities to which the person in charge or those responsible for the dossier proposition belong. It is also desirable that Brazilian universities belong to different states of the Federation. In order to avoid editorial inbreeding, texts whose authors or first authors are editors or members of one of the editorial boards can only be published following the rules and editorial procedures in the maximum number of two by magazine number. Exceptions to this rule must be justified and voted unanimously by the members of the Editorial Board meeting in plenary.
The manuscript evaluation process must be carried out in secrecy, preventing the appropriation or disclosure, in any sphere, of the information contained therein. The reviewer should refuse to carry out the evaluation of manuscripts in which the existence of conflicts of interest is set up. The identification of the absence of unprecedented or overlapping of the manuscript, in whole or in part, in relation to already published texts should be promptly informed to the journal editors. The editors and the editorial secretary are the only ones who know the identity of the authors and, therefore, ask the authors for corrections and modifications according to the opinions issued by internal and external reviewers. The identities of authors and reviewers (or consultants) will remain confidential during the editorial process and after its finalization. In order to ensure the transparency of the editorial process, the editors will respond to questions that are interposed by authors or reviewers on the evaluation of the manuscripts.
Texts in accordance with the editorial rules must be exclusively sent to the journal through the online submission platform. All text will be first evaluated by the editors, in order to verify if it is included in the thematic scope of the journal, as well as in the editorial criteria. In case of refusal, the author will be informed promptly. Then, in its "anonymous" version, the text is sent to the Editorial Board meeting in plenary, under the chairmanship of one of the associate editors. One of its members will be designated by the plenary as an internal reviewer. The Editorial Board will also appoint an external expert to be chosen preferably from among the members of the Scientific Advisory Council or, if necessary, another ad-hoc expert from among the recognized national and foreign researchers in the area of publication. Both the internal and external consultants issue an opinion each indicating: accepted, accepted with suggested modifications (formal or basic) or rejected for publication. If there is disagreement between the opinions on the publication, the work will be sent to a third consultant to be appointed by the Editorial Board meeting in plenary. Opinions will be sent to the author (s) for the changes to be made in the text, and the author (s), in this case, must return the recast work within a maximum of twenty days. It is up to the referees to comment on the modifications and corrections made by the authors as requested. It is the responsibility of publishers to accept or reject the final text, after reviewing their opinions, and to reserve the right to make small and simple changes to the texts in order to expedite the publication process in one of the sections of the journal as they deem appropriate.
Any spontaneous proposal to publish a thematic dossier should be submitted to the editors of the magazine making contact through the address revistaestilosdaclinica@usp.br. If the proposal is accepted by the editors, the texts integrated in principle to the Dossier should be submitted individually by their authors with a view to being evaluated as any other text through the editorial platform. At the end of the process the editors will communicate the result of the evaluation to both the proposer (s) of the dossier and the authors of the texts. It will be up to the editors to decide whether to accept or reject the publication of the dossier with the texts finally approved or to ask the proposer (s) to reformulate the original proposal of the Thematic Dossier.
INDEX PSI - Indexador dos Periódicos Brasileiros na Área de Psicologia (BVS-PSI)
LILACS - Literatura Latino-americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde
LATINDEX - Sistema regional de información en línea para revistas científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal
PSICODOC - Base de datos de Psicología
LatinREV – Red Latinoamericanade Revistas Académicas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades.
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