ISSN 1807-2526 Online version




Focus and Scope

The virtual magazine "IGT na Rede" aims to be a means of communication in the universe of Psychology, facilitating the exchange among professionals in this field bringing them closer to the general public. This journal deals with issues related to human development, especially regarding the Gestalt approach. It addresses the various philosophical, theoretical and practical expressions of Gestalt-Therapy. Here the reader can find articles, monographs, reviews and videos.



Peer review process

Two consultants will normally evaluate papers submitted to this journal. As far as possible, a consultant who has the subject at hand within his or her areas of interest and another one who has areas of interest that are not so closely related to the topic of the publication.



"IGT na Red" is published semiannually.


Public access policy

This magazine provides public access to all its content, following the principle that free access to research generates a greater global exchange of knowledge. Such access is associated with a growth in reading and citing an author's work. For further information on this approach, visit the Public Knowledge Project, a project that developed this system to improve the academic and public quality of research, distributing OJS, as well as other software to support the publication system of public access to academic sources.


Guidelines for the authors


We will accept original papers of Psychology and related areas involving theoretical studies, research reports, critical reviews of literature, professional communications, information about events, news and reviews in the field of Psychology.

As long as the manuscripts submitted to the Editorial Board of the Journal are written according to the rules for publication, they will be submitted to two members of the Editorial Board or ad hoc consultants for blind evaluation. Two favorable opinions will indicate the final acceptance for publication. Minor orthographic changes in the text may be made at the discretion of the journal´s Editorial Board, without consulting the authors.

Manuscripts submitted for publication must meet the standards specified below:


1.1. Sign up as an author and submit the contribution electronically through the following address contribution submitted must include:

Title in Portuguese, with only the first letter capped (upper case).

Title in English, with only the first letter capped (upper case).

Summary in Portuguese (up to 1,000 characters).xxxxxxxxxxxxxSummary in English (up to 1,000 characters).

Keywords in Portuguese: three, at least.

Keywords in English: three, at a minimum.

Text, without any author identification, either in the headline or in the body of the text, for evaluation by the consultants.

Note: Remember to remove the author's name from the document properties (accessible in "Document Properties", menu option MS Word “file” and 1.0 Writer).

The authorship identification will take place through the registration, previous and necessary step for submission. The author must therefore, fill it in carefully, respecting the fields of completion regarding degree and institutional affiliation.

Other information may be submitted through the field Comments to the Editor, at the time of submission of the contribution.

Containing from 4 to 100 pages, approximately (8,400 characters to 250,000 characters), in single spacing. Texts will be accepted in Portuguese, Spanish, French or English.

Texts should be submitted in Microsoft Word 97/2000 / XP (.doc) or 1.0 Text Document (.sxw) format. Note: Do not send files in format (.docx). Convert to (.doc).

Tables, graphics and images (in JPEG format) must appear in the body of the text (not exceeding the maximum limit of 1Mb per image).


3.1. Without literal transcription of the reference: indicate the author as follows: last surname, date of publication in parentheses. Ex .: Piaget (1976).

Note: If you quote two or more documents of the same author and year, write after the date the letter "a" for the first, and the letter "b" for the second, and so on. Ex .: Piaget (1976a). Piaget (1976b).

3.2. For literal transcription of a part of the text being quoted: indicate the author(s) as in the previous item, and:

3.2.1. If there are less than five quoted lines, put quotation marks at the beginning and end of the quotation without making a separate paragraph. Ex .: Pereira (1997): "The increase in the number of investigations ..." (p.33);

Note: As from July 2014 we will apply the ABNT rules, using "citations with up to three reported lines must be inserted between "double quotation marks" in the text. Single quotation marks are used to indicate citation within citation. (NBR-10520, 2002).

3.2.2. If there are more than five lines, the left margin should be indented and the italicized text will be enclosed in quotation marks, indicating the page number after the final quotation marks.

Note: The same for cases in which citations have more than three lines: the left margin with a 4 cm indentation (NBR 14724, 2002, p.5).

3.3. Citation of old papers: after the author's last name, write the year of the original publication followed by the year of publication consulted. Ex .: Kant (1781/1980).

3.4. Citation of a citation: put the name of the original author, the respective date in parentheses, and also in parentheses the word apud followed by the name of the author that was actually consulted with the respective date. Ex Adorno (1979, apud MAAR, 1996).

4. NOTES (if any)

They will be listed, numbered and in sequence in the footnote,


5.1. Indicate exclusively the ones that appear in the text.

5.2. Authors: they must be registered, in alphabetical order, in upper case, by the last surname (exceptionally by two surnames, when indispensable to the comprehension, eg LÉVI-STRAUSS, C.).

5.3. Multiple authorship: up to three authors, place semicolons after the initials of the names. When there are four or more authors, indicate only the first, followed by the words et al. Ex .: URANI, A. et al. Constitution of a social accounting matrix for Brazil. Brasília: IPEA, 1994.

5.4. Books: indicate author(s) in uppercase, title in low and italic box, edition, city of publication, name of publisher and date of publication of the work actually consulted. Ex .: PIAGET, J. Le comportement moteur de l'evolution. Paris: Gallimard, 1976.

5.5. Chapter of a book: indicate author(s) in upper case, title of the chapter, followed by the expression "In:" and the complete reference of the book, with name of the author(s) or organizer, in which case there will be the indication (Org.), followed by the title of the book in italics, the city of the publication, the name of the publisher, and the date. At the end of the reference, inform the page or chapter. Ex .: ROMANO, G. Images of youth in the modern era. In: LEVI, G .; SCHIMIDT, J. (Org.). Stories of young people2. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1996. p.7-16.

5.6. Periodicals: indicate author(s) in upper case, followed by the title of the article, the title or acronym of the journal in italics, the place of publication, the numbering corresponding to the volume and / or year, issue or number, initial pagination and the article and the year. Ex .: FRANKEL, E. Body psychotherapy: challenges, obstacles and perspectives. Brazilian Archives of Psychology, Rio de Janeiro, v. 49, n. 2, p. 100-105, 1997.

5.7. Repetition of the same author: if there is more than one document by the same author, it is not necessary to repeat his name, simply put a sublinear trait in the place of the name (equivalent to six spaces) and period.

5.8. Citation of a quote: refer only the work consulted.

5.9. Institutional Authorship: as follows: CENTER ROYAUMONT POUR UNE SCIENCE DE L 'HOMME. Theories of langage and theories of l'apprentissage. Paris: Ed. Du Seuil, 1979.

5.10 Paper presented at an event: indicate the author(s) in the upper box, the title of the paper (if it has not been published in full, insert a summary in parentheses), followed by "In:" and event, event number (if any), year and place (city) of achievement, publication title in italics. (Eg, Annals ... or Abstracts ...), place, publisher, date of publication and initial and final page of the referenced part. Ex .: BRAYNER, A. R. A .; MEDEIROS, C. B. Incorporation of time in object-oriented DBMS. In: BRASILIAN SYMPOSIUM OF BANCO DE DADOS, 9., 1994, São Paulo. Anais ... São Paulo: USP, 1994. p.16-29.

5.11 Theses or Dissertations: indicate the author in the upper case, the title in italics, the year, the number of pages, Dissertation or Thesis, the course (Master's or Doctorate in ...), the program in which it was defended, the institution, the city and the date. Ex: ARAUJO, U. A. M. Tukúna full masks: possibilities of studying museum artifacts for the knowledge of the indigenous universe. 1985. 102 f. Dissertation (Master in Social Sciences) - Foundation School of Sociology and Politics of São Paulo, São Paulo, 1986.

5.12 Electronic document: obey the standards indicated for the other documents and after that, write Available in: (indicating the electronic address) and Access in: (indicating the year).

Ex .: JOULE, R. V .; BERNARD, F. For a new approach to social change: the communication of commitment. Psychology: Theory and Research, Brasília, v. 21, n. 1, 2005. Available at: Accessed on: 31 Oct. 2006. Accessed on: 31 Oct. 2006.

Submission Guidelines (All items are mandatory)

• The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being reviewed for publication by another journal; not being the case, justify in "Comments to the Editor".

• Files for submission are in Microsoft Word (.doc), RTF, or WordPerfect format.

• All "URL" addresses in the text (eg are active.

• The text is in single space; uses a 12-point font; uses italic instead of underlining (except URL addresses) with figures and tables inserted in the text, not at the end.

• The text follows the magazine´s formatting requirements according to the Author Guidelines, found in the "About" section of the journal. The journal section is peer-reviewed, author identification has been removed, and "author" and "year" have been used in bibliography and footnotes, instead of names of authors, titles, etc. The author's name was removed under "Document Properties", MS Word's "File" menu option.

Public access policy

Privacy Statement

Names and email addresses on this site will be used solely for the purposes of the journal and are not available for other purposes .

Copyright notice

Copyright for articles published in this journal are the author´s, with first publication rights for the journal. Because they appear in this publicly accessible journal, the articles are free to use, with their own attributions, in educational and non-commercial applications.


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IGT - Instituto de Gestalt-Terapia e Atendimento Familiar
Rua Haddock Lobo, 369/709 - Tijuca
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil CEP 20260-141
Telefax (55) 21 2569-2650
