ISSN 1413-8557 versión impresa |
GENERAL INFORMATION The journal Psicologia Escolar e Educacional edited by ABRAPEE – Brazilian Association of School and Educational Psychology – publishes manuscripts relating to the practice, history and issues in Educational Psychology, critical texts, about the academic-scientific production, as well as reports of research in the areas of School and Educational Psychology along with its interface with Education.
EDITORIAL ORIENTATION The Journal of School and Educational Psychology publishes only original papers. The original papers will be submitted to the evaluation of an editorial board which will keep the author and the evaluator anonymous. The rules to be followed are the APA (American Psychological Association), except in specific situations if there is a need to assure the fulfillment of blind revision per pair, rules of Portuguese language, general rules of ABNT (Brasilian Association of Technical Norms), internal procedures of the journal and operational infra-structure.
TYPES OF TEXT TO BE PUBLISHED The Journal accepts manuscripts written in English, Portuguese and Spanish in the following categories: 1. Theoretical Studies; Essays – theoretical works and/or revision of literature which question the way of thinking and the traditional practices and that leading to new elaborations (up to 25 pages, double space)
PRESENTATION OF THE MANUSCRIPTS The original manuscripts should be sent in one printed copy and one copy in CD ROM in double space, font Times New Roman, size 12, observing the number of the pages according to its category. The page should be A4 size, with page borders as follows: 2,5 cm at the top and the bottom, 3 cm for the right and the left side. The archive CD must be ended in .doc. In case of revising, the new version should be sent through e-mail. All the documents sent to the journal must be followed by a letter signed by the authors in which they have to explain the aim of submitting the work and, as well, as authorizing the publication of it, should it be approved by the Editorial Board. The authors have to declare that the manuscripts respect the ethic values of research work. The letter should follow this model: Place and date To the Editorial Board Dear Sir or Madam I am sending you a printed copy and a CD of my manuscript entitled________to submit to the Editorial Committee of the Journal of School and Educational Psychology . I believe my work can be fit to the category (specify the type of manuscript) Sincerely Name(s) and signature(s) of the author(s)
The presentation of works must follow the following steps 2. Second page with the name(s) of the author (s). It must inform: 2.7. When is the case, a paragraph acknowledging the financial support, collaboration of colleagues and staff, origin of the work (for example, master thesis, doctoral dissertation, data collected from one institution other than the one informed in the item 2.4 3. Abstract, in Portuguese: The abstract must have no more than 150 words. The abstract must be followed by three key-words with the aim of indexing the work. The words must be precise in order to facilitate the classification of the work. 4. Abstract, in English, according to the text in Portuguese. 5.Full text
In all categories of originals, the text must have an organization of easy recognition, marked by a system of titles and subtitles that reflect the organization. In case of research reports, the text must present: introduction, method, results, discussion and references. The notes must be reduced to the minimum and must be at the bottom of the pages (footnotes) , numbered according to the order. The place to insert figures , illustrations, tables and pictures must be indicated in the text. The references will follow the APA rules as we see in the end of this text. Must be in accordance with the following general rules. Single-author works are referred by year of publication, the older first. Single-author works come before works with more authors, when the last name is the same. Works where the first authors are the same, but the co-authors are different, must be cited by the last name of the co-authors. Works by the same multiple authors must be cited according to date, the oldest work must come first. Woks with the same author and the same date must follow the alphabetical order of the title, disregarding the first word when it is an article or pronoun, except when the very title has indication of the order the year is immediately followed by lower case letters. When repeated, the name of the author should not be substituted by dash or any other sign. List of references must be appropriated to the task of revision and editing – besides double space of font size 12, normal paragraph indented only in the first line, without displacements of the borders; words should be marked by underlines.(e.g. underline) Indented paragraphs and italics are reserved to the final phase when editing the article. 7.Annexes: should be used only when they contain important information and are vital to the understanding of the work. In other cases they should be avoided. 8. Illustration: including subtitles, one per page, at the end of the work. In order to assure quality of printing the pictures with drawings must be sent in quality to photograph; figures and graphics must be printed in special printer. They must not exceed 8,3 cm wide for simple illustrations and not 17,5 cm for complex illustrations, the author must be careful so that the subtitles are readable.. 9. Tables, including titles and notes, one per page, in paper and in computer file. In the printed publication the table must not exceed 17,5 wide and 23,7 cm long. When preparing the table the author must limit its width in 60 characters for simple tables and 125 characters for complex tables which occupy two printed columns. The length of the table should not exceed 55 lines, including the title and the footnotes. For other cases APA must be consulted..
Common types of citation in the text For multiple authors 1. Two authors The last names of the authors are explicit in all references by using “and” or “&” according to what we see below: 2. From three to five authors
The last name of the authors is explicited in the first citation as above. From the second citation on, only the last name of the first author is explicited, followed by and alii and the year, if it is the first citation of a reference within the same paragraph: 3. Six or more authors
In the text, from the first citation, only the last name of the first author is mentioned, followed by and alii, except when the format generates ambiguity, when the solution suggested in the previous item must be observed. Reference of work cited in a secondary source
The paper uses as a source a paper cited in another , without consulting the original paper (for example, a Taylor´s study cited by Santos, 1990). In the text, use the following citation: Examples of references 1. Paper presented in congress but not published 2. Paper presented in Congress with abstract published in regular publication 3. Paper presented in congress with abstract published in special publication. The same as publication in book, given details of the event according to the information on the cover. 4. Unpublished theses or dissertations Polydoro, S.A.J. (2001). O trancamento de matrícula na trajetória acadêmica do universitário: Condições de saída e de retorno à instituição. Phd. Thesis, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas-SP. 5. Books Solé, I. (1998). Estratégias de leitura. Porto Alegre: Artes Médicas. 6. Chapters of book
Anderson, R.C. & Pearson, P.D. (1984). A schema-theoretic view of basic processes in reading comprehension. In P.D. Pearson, R. Barr, M.L. Kamil & P. Mosenthal (Orgs.) Handbook of reading research (Vol. 1, pp 251-291). New York: Longman. 7. Book translated into Portuguese language 8. Article in scientific journal Kintsch, W. (1994). Text comprehension, memory, and learning American Psychologist, 49 (4), 294-303. 9.Paper accepted for publication (to come out)
Do not inform the year, the volume or number of pages until the article is not published. Respected the order of the names, this must be the last reference of the author. 10. Institutional authorship American Psychiatric Association (1988). DSM-III-R, Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorder (3a ed. revised). Washington, DC: Autor.
PROCEDURE FOR SUBMISSION AND EVALUATION OF THE MANUSCRIPTS The manuscripts that are adequate to requirements (we have) presented above will go through the following steps of evaluation: 1. Sending to two members of the Editorial Board of the journal or two ad hoc advisors
AUTHOR'S RIGHTS The main author will receive at least three copies of the issue in which his/her article was published. The unpublished originals will not be sent back to the authors. Partial or total copy (more than 500 words of the text) is authorized, once the source is properly informed. SENDING THE MANUSCRIPTS Manuscripts to be published must be sent to Revista Psicologia Escolar e Educacional, email: Universidade de São Paulo – Instituto de Psicologia |
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© 2009 Associação Brasileira de Psicologia Escolar e Educacional
Rua Mogi Guaçu, 569
Bairro Chácara da Barra, Campinas
CEP 13090-605 - São Paulo
Tel.: (19) 3295-7112
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