Print version ISSN 1414-6975
Online version ISSN 2175-3520


Basic Information

Published since 1995, the Psicologia da Educação journal of PUC-SP is a publication by the Graduate Studies Program in Education: Educational Psychology at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. It was printed until issue 25, with ISSN 1414-6975, being then converted into digital format as of issue 26, with ISSN 2175-3520.

It is a biannual study and research publication aimed at what represents a subarea that is proposed as the relationship between Psychology and Education, both constituting a practice and field of knowledge in the areas of Psychology and Education. It is aimed at educators, psychologists and researchers, as well as undergraduate and graduate students, with the objective of subsidizing boththeoretical reflection and educational practice.

The journal publishes articles and research reports in the field of Educational Psychology and related fields, as well as bibliographical and didactic articles written by professors and researchers from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo and other institutions. Unpublished texts derived from empirical or theoretical-methodological research, based on the different theoretical approaches of Psychology and Education, are published, considered to bea space of diversity in the treatment of phenomena affecting the educational field. In the section entitled “Sharing”, they are also published narrative/bibliographic review articles, didactic texts, aiming to contribute with the work of professionals in the fields of Education and Psychology.


Nature of contributions

Unpublished texts derived from empirical or theoretical-methodological research, based on the different theoretical aspects of Psychology and Education, are published, being defined as a space of diversity in the treatment of phenomena affecting the educational field.


Analysis and selection of submitted articles

Selected articles can be published in Portuguese, as well as in the original language, in the case of foreign authors. Abstracts, however, are published in three languages: Portuguese, Spanish and English.

Submitted papers are peer reviewed. In case of conflicting evaluations, a third evaluator is selected. Final decision is made by the Editorial Board.

The evaluation will consider: adequacy of the text to the focus and scope of the journal, both academic and social relevance, theoretical and methodological rigor and consistency, correctness, clarity and textual articulation. APA technical standards must be criteriously followed.

Evaluators´ final decision can be: accepted without modifications, request for redrafting or rejected for publication.

The contents of the selected articles, as well as the fulfillment of the necessary ethical requirements, are the sole responsibility of the authors, and may not represent the position of the Editorial Board.

Authors who submit their articles to evaluation commit both to meeting the ethical requirements, as they are responsible for the submitted text, and to awaiting the final editorial decision before submitting the text to another journal.



Format of original documents

The authors must follow the Instructions to the Authors, included in the Submission. Click here


I- General information

Psicologia da Educação is published by the Graduate Studies Program in Education: Educational Psychology, of the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. It publishes new texts derived from empirical or theoretical-methodological research, based on the different theoretical aspects of Psychology and Education, being defined as a space of diversity in the treatment of phenomena affecting the educational field.

They are also published in the section entitled “sharing” bibliographic review articles and didactic texts, aiming to subsidize the work of professionals in the fields of Education and Psychology.


II- Submitting articles

Please visit the Pepsic Publication System at to sign up as an author and submit your paper.


III- Editorial guidelines

Educational Psychology accepts texts written in Portuguese, English, Spanish and French.

The manuscripts must be previously unpublished. The original ones will be sent, according to the double-blind procedure, to peer review.

The originals are evaluated by two ad hoc consultants and eventually to a third one in case of confliciting evaluations. In the publishing process, adjustments suggested by reviewers may be required from authors.

The originals will be evaluated as to adequacy of the text to the focus and scope of the journal, scientific and social relevance, theoretical and methodological rigor and consistency, correctness, clarity and textual articulation, adaptation of the text to the APA technical standards.

Evaluators may accept the original without modifications, accept it with modifications, or reject the original.

Articles submitted to the journal undergo the following flow:

1) preliminary evaluation, focusing on meeting the journal’s standards, publication potential, and conflicts of interest in referrals to reviewers;

2) referral to two reviewers (double-blind process), and to a third party in the case of conflicting opinions;

3) submission of the opinions to the Publishers for the final decision;

4) information for authors: if it is rejected, approved or if it needs reformulations (in which case, a deadline is defined, after which the article can be disregarded, if the author fails to reformulate it).

5) the reformulated version will be re-evaluated for the purposes of verification of the appropriateness of the suggestions.

6) the referral of approved articles for structuring, composition and layout of the number to be published, it being possible to make modifications in the form of the text, while maintaining the content;

7) referral of the number layout to the adequacy to the rules for online publication.


IV- Types of text

1. Theoretical studies – reflections on concepts and principles of theoretical aspects of Psychology and Education, as well as subjects and issues analyzed by one or more of its theoretical aspects. They may have a maximum of 25 pages with double-line spacing.

2. Empirical research reports – original research, with the introduction of the problematic, methodological information, both quantitative and qualitative, and presentation and discussion of results. They may have no more than 25 pages with double-line spacing.

3. Narrative/bibliographic review texts – articles with the objective of presenting an overview of what is being researched, in a given period, on a subject/issue/phenomenon related to Education and/or Psychology. They may have no more than 15 pages with double-line spacing.

4. Didactic texts– texts with the objective of systematizing principles, concepts, and methodological procedures, among other aspects, referring to one or more theoretical aspects in Education and/or Psychology. They may have a maximum of 15 pages with double-line spacing.


V- Copyright

The copyrights of the published articles belong to the Psicologia da Educação journal. The complete reproduction of the articles of this journal in other publications is subject to the formal authorization by the Editor in charge of the journal. Partial reproduction of the articles of Psicologia da Educação is allowed, provided that the source is mentioned.


VI- Paper submission

Please refer to the instructions for authors



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©2005  Psicologia da Educação

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