ISSN 2238-152X on-line version


  • Basic Information
  • Scope, Policies and Structure
  • Open Access Policy
  • Indexers
  • Support

    Basic Information


    Polis e Psique Journal is the online journal of the Graduate Program in Social and Institutional Psychology at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in Porto Alegre, Brazil. The Journal is devoted to Psychology and related fields  and appears biannually. It publishes articles, research reports, theoretical essays, experiment reports, reviews and interviews by national and foreign authors thus contributing to the dissemination of scientific knowledge by means of. Once a year, the journal also publishes a special-themed issue.



    Scope, Policies and Structure


    Polis e Psyche Journal offers twelve original articles per issue according to our guiding principles of including items from at least two countries, five Brazilian states and eight different institutions per offering.

    The journal publishes the following types of items:

    • Articles (15-25 pages): Accounts of original research or theoretical essays whose themes and content fall within the scope of the journal.
    • Experience Reports (15-20 pages): Research or professional experience reports supported by appropriate, evidence-based methodologies. Texts which elaborate on new methods or novel interventions will also be considered for publication.
    • Reviews (5-10 pages): Critical reviews of recently published works which engage the material in a disciplined and systematic manner and indicate potential application.
    • Interviews (5-10 pages): Interviews with authors, researchers, specialists or experts from academic, political, social and cultural fields offering relevant contributions from their areas of expertise and professional practice.


    Open Access Policy


    Polis e Psique Journal offers open access to all its content in accordance with the idea that free access to research findings supports and stimulates the global interchange of knowledge. The Journal encourages authors to make available PDF copies of the final version of their articles on their personal and affiliated institutional websites provided these are nonprofit nor for commercial purposes.





    CAPES - Office of the Coordinator of On-going Upper-level Personnel Training of the Brazilian Ministry of Culture.

    CLASE - Latin American Citation Index for the Social Sciences and the Humanities.

    BVS-Psi - The Brazilian Health and Psychology Online Library is the Latin American reference on scientific knowledge on psychology.

    Index Psi Periódicos - This index represents the outcome of the partnership between the Federal Council on Psychology and the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas. Its mission is to serve as the indexing base for Brazilian scientific journals in Psychology.

    LILACS - An important and comprehensive index for technical and scientific literature in Latin America and the Caribbean.

    Latindex - The online Regional Information System for Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal.





    [Home] [Editorial board] [Instructions to authors]

    Creative Commons License All the content of the journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons License

    Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
    Instituto de Psicologia
    Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2600
    Bairro Santa Cecília
    Porto Alegre - RS - Brasil
    CEP 90035-003
    +55 (51) 3308-5954