ISSN 0101-4838 versão impressa |
The objective of Tempo Psicanalítico is to publish original works in the field of psychoanalysis and to contribute to the high quality of the scientific production and to the consolidation of this field in Brazil. We accept for publication research reports, theoretical-clinical studies, reports on professional experience, short communications on research, reports on professional experience, technical notes and book reviews of books published in the last two years, in psychoanalysis or related fields of study. It is directed to the scientific community in the field of psychoanalysis, as clinical psychoanalysts, professors, researchers, students, and professionals of related areas, like anthropologists, sociologists, educators, among others. The manuscripts submmited for evaluation shall follow the norms of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2009, 6 edition). |
1. Three printed copies of the original manuscript should be submitted , with no more than 20 pages including references, tables, etc., in double space and not exceeding 80 characters per line, accompanied by a copy in CD, indicating which was the text editor software used. 2. Each manuscript should be accompanied by a covering letter to the editor, stating that the authors grant their permission to the journal to conduct the editorial process, as well as assuring that all ethical procedures have been attended. The letter should be signed by all authors. 3. Manuscripts will be immediately acknowledged by the Editorial Board. 4. Manuscript presentation should observe the following order: TITLE PAGE WITH AUTHOR NAMES 1. Title both in Portuguese and English (maximum of 15 words) 2. Abridged title for heading (maximum of 5 words) 3. Name of all the authors, followed by the institutional affiliation of each one of them 4. Complete mailing address, including zip code, telephone number, fax number and e-mail of the author. TITLE PAGE WITHOUT AUTHOR NAMES 1. Title both in Portuguese and English 2. Abridged title for heading ABSTRACTS 1. Abstract in Portuguese (70 to 140 words). 2. Keywords in Portuguese (3 to 5) 3. Abstract in English (translation of the abstract in portuguese). 4. Keywords in English (translation of the keywords in portuguese). BODY OF THE ARTICLE: This part of the manuscript should start in a new page. All pages from this point on should be numbered consecutively starting from number three (3). Subtitles should be separated by a blank line (subtitles should not start on a new page). In the case of research reports, in addition to the title page and abstracts, manuscripts should be arranged in the following order: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and References. If needed, other subtitles can be added. In some cases, Results and Discussion can be presented together, although this procedure is not recommended as a rule. Footnotes or endnotes should be kept at a minimum. When indispensable, they should be identified in the text by Arabic numbers, and appear after the References on a separate page under the title "Notes". The inclusion of figures and tables should be indicated in the text, and presented in Annex. Citation rules should be observed. Attribution to authors and indication of publication dates of all cited works should be given. All author names should be followed by the year of publication when their work is cited for the first time in each paragraph. Literal excerpts of a text should be typed within double quotation marks, and demand the citation of the page from which they were copied. In the case of extensive citations, of more than 4 lines, use a new paragraph, which left margin should be larger than the rest of the text, the letters should be smaller, and the quotation marks are not used. All citations of citations should state their original references, although this kind of citation should be avoided, especially when the original can be easily accessed. However, if needed, author's last name of the original, date, author's name of the citation and publication date should be stated. REFERENCES: This section should start on a new page. Use double space, but do not use an extra blank space between references. Each reference should appear as a new paragraph. References should be arranged in alphabetical order according to the surname of the author, and should be typed with double spacing. A hanging indent of 5 spaces at left margin should be used in the first line. ANNEXES Annexes should be presented on new pages after the references. All pages should be consecutively numbered, with double spacing. Annexes should be prepared if they are really essential for the understanding of the text. All annexes shall be indicated in the text and discriminated with capital letters (A, B, C, etc.) FIGURES AND TABLES Figures and tables should be presented along with their respective captions and titles, each one on a new page. Figures and Tables should not exceed 11,5 x 17,5 cm. TO SUBMIT A BOOK-REVIEW. 1. The book review - of a book published not before the last two years – shall be send in two copies in double space, not exceeding 80 characters for line, of 2 to 6 pages long, and a copy in floppy with the information on the text editor used. 2 The heading of the book review in Portuguese and English, shall be followed by all the references of the book reviewed, including the number of pages. 3. In the case of citation, the norms of citations and bibliographical references shall be the same used for articles. OUR PROCEDURE WHEN RECEIVING A MANUSCRIPT Received manuscripts are initially appreciated by the Editorial Board. If they are in accordance with the Norms and they are considered as able to be published in Tempo Psicanalítico, they shall be directed for Consultants ad hoc, who are chosen among researchers of recognized competence in the field. After analysis of the manuscript, the Consultants ad hoc recommend its acceptance for publication (eventually with the condition of modifications to improve the quality or precision of the text) or reject it. The final decision on the publication of an article is of the Editorial Board. The authors will be notified on this decision and informed of the date when accepted articles will be published. The authors will receive non identified copies of the evaluations of the manuscript elaborated by the two peers. The Editorial Board has the right to make small modifications in the text of the authors to speed the process of publication. The original manuscripts and the disks will not be returned to the authors. REVIEWING THE MANUSCRIPT, AND GUIDELINES FOR SUBMITTING THE FINAL VERSION Authors of manuscripts recommended for publication with the condition that revisions be made according to the comments of the reviewers should send to the Editor two printed copies of the revised text, accompanied by a letter describing all changes introduced in the manuscript. In the case the authors decide not to accept some of the suggested changes, they should justify such a decision. This letter and the revised manuscript will be sent to a member of the Advisory board, along with the comments of the ad hoc reviewers and the first version of the manuscript to a final review. In this stage of the peer review process, the editor will be acquainted with authors' and reviewers' names. MANUSCRIPT PREPARATION CITATIONS IN THE BODY OF THE MANUSCRIPT 1. Quotation of a text shorter than 4 lines should be integrated in the typed text within double quotation marks, and demand the citation of the page from which they were copied. For citations of citations use simple quotation marks. In the case of extensive citations (4 lines or more), a new paragraph should be opened, its left margin should be larger than the rest of the text, and the letters and spaces smaller. In this case, no quotation mark should be used. 2. Citation of a multiple authorship article • Article with two authors: both authors´ names should be cited every time the article is mentioned. • Article with three to five authors: all authors should be cited in the first time the article is mentioned; from second time on only the first author surname should be cited, and followed by "and cols." and by the date, if it is the first citation in the paragraph. • Article with six or more authors: only the first author surname should be cited, and followed by "and cols." and by the date. However, in the References section, all author names should be recorded. 3. Citation of old and re-edited works • The following format should be used: Author (publication date of the first edition / publication date of the employed edition and the number of the page). 4. Citation of citation This refers to a citation of a work mentioned by other publication which was actually used. For example: "Freud...” (1914, cited by Eiguer, 1998: 25). In the references section only the publication actually used should be recorded (in the case, Eiguer, 1998). EXAMPLES OF REFERENCES: 1. Scientific journal article: Freitas, A.F.L. (2001). Função paterna e final de análise. Tempo Psicanalítico, 33, 9-18. (if the Scientific journal has a pagination that restarts in each issue, include the issue number within parentheses, without underlining it, just after the volume number). 2. Scientific journal article in press: Indicate "in press" instead of the publication date. Date, volume and issue numbers, and pages should not be mentioned until the article is published. In the text, the article should be cited indicating it is in press. 3. Book: Edler, S.V.P.B. (2008) Luto e melancolia; À sombra do espetáculo. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Civilização Brasileira 4. Book chapter: Levi, L. (2001). Adoção da criança idealizada à criança real. Em Féres-Carneiro, T. (Org.). Casamento e família - do social à clinica (pp. 12-22). Rio de Janeiro: NAU 5. Unpublished paper presented in congresses: Féres-Carneiro, T. (2003, outubro). Conjugalidade homossexuaL Trabalho apresentado no IX Congresso Brasileiro de Sexualidade Humana, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. 6. Paper presented in congresses, which abstract is published in proceedings: Rudge, A. M. (2000). Pressupostos da "nova" crítica à psicanálise. [Resumo]. Em Sociedade Brasileira de Psicologia (Org.), Psicologia no Brasil: diversidade desafios, XXX Reunião Anual de Psicologia (p. 27). Brasília: Universidade d Brasília. 7.Unpublished thesis or dissertation: Faveret, B.M.S. (1997). Psicanálise e biologia: o adoecer psíquico repensado a partir do paradigma informacional. Unpublished Ph.D.Thesis . Curso de Pós-graduação em Psicologia Clínica, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. 8. Old and re-edited work: Piaget, J. (1932/1990). Le jugement moral chez l'enfant. Paris: Z.Alcan. 9. Corporate authorship: American Psychological Association (2009). Publication manual (6ª ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. 10. Personal communication: Just mention in the text, giving the last name and the initials of the originator and the date. Do not include in the references. 11. Internet documents: Fauconnier, G. y M. Turner. (1994). Conceptual projection and middle spaces. UCSD: Department of Cognitive Science Technical Report 9401. San Diego. [ Internet document in].
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