ISSN 2176-4891 online version


Sending and submission of manuscripts
I. Manuscripts
II. Manuscript elements
Peer Review Process


Sending and submission of manuscripts


In the intention to fulfill its mission, the magazine also emphasizes the publication of conferences, interviews, research communications, reviews and reviews of literature, cinema, theater and art exhibitions. The magazine publishes articles in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English, and translations.When submitting an article to Trivium: interdisciplinary studies, the author undertakes not to refer you to other publication vehicle (s).

Submission of manuscripts should be done exclusively through the following link:

Articles should contain from 14 to 25 pages and reviews from 2 to 5 pages. They must be typed in Word for Windows, version 6.0 or higher, with extension (.doc), in Times New Roman font, size 12, A4 size sheet, 1.5 spacing between lines, left and top margins of 3 cm , right and bottom of 2 cm. They must contain the following elements:

Articles, reviews, reviews, conferences and interviews should contain pages numbered consecutively from 1 (one), without the name (s) of the author (s). The data of the author (s) must be filled in as metadata on the online submission page.

All manuscripts must be accompanied by declaration signed by the authors, certifying that the article does not violate the ethical standards of the profession, after careful examining if it respects the Resolution 196/96 of the National Health Council: (, according to the following model: "I (We) _______, declare (s) that the article titled __________, presented for publication in Trivium: interdisciplinary studies, has not been published or submitted for evaluation and publication in any other journal or book, therefore, original and that it does not violate the ethical norms of the profession".

It is observed that for the publication of clinical cases it is necessary to guarantee the privacy and the anonymity of the people involved. Where appropriate, a copy of the research approval by the Research Ethics Committee should be submitted at the time of submission of the manuscript. Without this copy, the manuscript's editorial process will not be initiated. From the following details below, the APA rules prevail whenever the information on the case is omitted.


I. Manuscripts


The manuscripts must follow the technical standards of the American Psychological Association: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition, 2009), concerning the style of manuscript presentation and ethical aspects regarding the accomplishment of a scientific work.

The author responsible for the integrity of the article as a whole should be cited as the first author. Co-authors are supervisors or persons responsible for writing part of the article.

The manuscript must be produced in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) and not exceed the maximum number of pages (starting page 1 with the Resumo (abstract in Portuguese) and Palavras-chave (keywords) indicated for each type of manuscript (including Resumo, Abstract, Figures, Tables, Appendixes and References, besides the body of the text), which would be:

Articles: reports of original high quality researches; articles of theoretical or reviewing content will be considered as long as there is critical and propitious analysis from a wide body of investigation, that is relative to subjects of interest for the development of the area of research that the author contributes to.

Review articles: critical reviews of books published in the last two years. Authors should consult the Editor before submitting reviews to the editorial process. They must have title in portuguese or Spanish, and english, and the complete references of the reviewed book, including the number of pages, under the title of the review article.

Movie and plays reviews and publication of prose and poetry: follow the same criteria for book reviews. Illustrative photos are accepted.

A. Text alignment: left.

B. Indent for the first line of a paragraph: tab = 1,25cm.

C. Page number alignment: on the right corner at the level of the first line of each page.

D. Manuscript Page Heading: the first two or three words of the title should appear five spaces to the left from the number. The page heading is used to identify the manuscript during the editorial process. Using MS Word, when the page's number and the heading are inserted in a page, they automatically appear in all the others.

E. Internet addresses: all "URL" addresses (links to the Internet) in the text (ex: should be activated.

F. Order of the manuscript's elements: Unidentified Title Page, Resumo and Abstract, Text, References, Appendixes, Notes, Tables and Figures. Initiate each one on a new page


II. Manuscript elements


A. Title in Portuguese, English and other language chosen by the author.

B. Summary with keywords: Paragraphs with a maximum of 100 words (articles), or 80 words (short reports), aligned in the center, in the first line below the page header. Then list at least three and at most five keywords in Portuguese (in capital letters and separated by semicolons). All articles must also contain Abstract and Keyworlds as well as the translation of the abstract and keywords in Portuguese into another language chosen by the author. As its main procedure, Trivium: estudos interdisciplinares makes the final review of the abstract, having the right to correct it, whenever necessary. This is a very important item in your work, because when a paper is published it will be available in all of the journal's indexing sources.

C. Text: The subsections of the text do not start on new pages and its headings should be aligned in the center, and the first letter of each word capitalized (for example, Results, Method and Discussion, in research papers).

The words Figure, Table, Appendix that appear in the text should be written with the first letter capitalized followed by the number (Figures and Tables) or letter (Appendixes) to which they refer. The places suggested for inserting figures and tables should be indicated in the text.

Use Italic in words or expressions that should be emphasized in the text, for example foreign words to Portuguese, such as self, locus, etc. Do not use Italic (unless where it is required by publication rules), bold, watermarks or other resources which may let the text visually more attractive, because they bring hard trouble for editing.

Always cite authors and give the date of publication of all referred studies. Names of all the authors whose works were cited should be followed by the date of publication. All studies cited in the text should be listed in the Reference section.

Examples of Reference:

The following examples aid you in the organization of your manuscript, but they certainly do not deplete other possibilities of citing. Use the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2009, 6th edition) to verify the pattern for other references.

1. Articles with multiple authors: Articles with two authors: always cite both names when referring to the article:

Carvalho and Beraldo (2006) had accomplished qualitative analysis...
This qualitative analysis (Carvalho & Beraldo, 2006)...

Articles with three to five authors: cite all authors on the first citation and for the subsequent citations mention the first author followed by "et al." and the date of publication:

Mansur, Carrthery, Caramelli and Nitrini (2006) reviewed literature from this area.

This was described in another article (Mansur, et al., 2006).

Articles with six or more authors: cite only the last name of the first author, followed by "et al." and the date.

However, in the References section, the names of all the authors should be mentioned.

2. Citations of republished or re-edited work:

In fact, Lacan (1975/1982) ... when explaining ...

In the References section, cite: Lacan, J. (1982). O seminário 20 – Mais, Ainda. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Jorge Zahar (Original work published in 1975)

REMINDER: Quotations with less than 40 words should be incorporated in the paragraph of the text, between quotation marks. Quotations with more than 40 words should appear without quotation marks in a freestanding block, indent the block about 5 spaces from the margin. Quotations with more than 500 words, reproduction of one or more figures, tables or other illustrations must have the written permission of the copyright holder of the original work. The permission must be addressed to the author that submitted the manuscript. The rights obtained in secondhand will not be transferred under any circumstances. The direct quoting must be exactly the same used in the original work, even if there are errors/mistakes in the original version. If that happens and there is the chance of making the reader misunderstand what was just said, add the word [sic], underlined and between brackets, right after the error/mistake. When omitting a material from an original source it must be started by ellipsis (...). The insertion of materials, such as personal comments or observations, they should be done putting in brackets. The emphasis in one or more words should be done with underlined font, followed by [my emphasis].

Attention: Do not use the terms apud, op. cit, id. ibidem, and others. They do not make part of APA standards (2009, 6th edition).

D. References: Begin a new page for the Reference section, with the title aligned in the center on the first line below the page heading. Only the works consulted and mentioned in the text should appear in this section. Continue using double space and do not leave an extra space between references. The references should be listed in alphabetical order by last name, according to the standards of the APA (see some examples below). Use the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2009, 6th edition) to verify the rules not mentioned here. It is recommended that the online manual of the APA publication be consulted at:
When referring to more than one study by the same author, use chronological order, in other words, from the earliest work to the most recent. The author's names should not be substituted by dashes or underlines.

Examples of references:

1. Articles from scientific journals

Rudge, A. M., Fuks, B.B. (2014) The implication of a sadistic superego in anorexia. International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 23(2), 20-35. doi: 10.1080/0803706X.2014.897753.

2. Articles from journals paginated by issue
Proceed according to the example above, and include the number of the issue between parentheses, no underline, after the number of the volume.

3. Articles from an Internet-only journal

Silva, S. C. da (2006, February). Estágios de Núcleo Básico na formação do psicólogo: Experiências de desafios e conquistas. Psicologia para América Latina, 5, Retrieved on May 12, 2006, from

4. Books

Quinet, A. (2012). Os Outros em Lacan. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Jorge Zahar.

5. Chapter in an edited book

Dell'Aglio, D. D., & Deretti, L. (2005). Estratégias de coping em situações de violência no desenvolvimento de crianças e adolescentes. In C. S. Hutz (Ed.), Violência e risco na infância e adolescência: pesquisa e intervenção (pp. 147-171). São Paulo: Casa do Psicólogo.

6. Republished and re-edited works
Bronfenbrenner, U. (1996). A ecologia do desenvolvimento humano: experimentos naturais e planejados. Porto Alegre: Artes Médicas. (Original work published 1979).

Freud, S. (1961). The ego and the id. In J. Strachey (Ed. and Trans.), The standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud (Vol. 19, pp. 3-66). London: Hogarth Press. (Original work published 1923)

7. Corporate Author
American Psychiatric Association (2013). DSM-V, Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

8. Movie; DVD:

Last name of the Director, year of exibition. Main Actors. Screenwriter. Title in Brazil. Original title. Home country. Distributor.

Ex: Greenway, P. (1996) Main actors: Vivian Wu and Ewan McGregor. Writer: Greenway. Title in Brazil: O livro de cabeceira. Original title: The Pillow Book. Country: France, England , Netherlands, Luxembourg. Distributor: SPECTRA

E. Appendixes: Avoid when possible. Include them only if they issue significant information, such as unpublished tests or the description of equipment or complex materials. Use a new page for each appendix. Appendixes should be indicated in the text and presented at the end of the manuscript, identified by the letters of the alphabet in capital letters (A, B, C, and so forth)

F. Footnotes: They should always be avoided when possible. However, if there is no other possibility, they should be indicated by Arabic numerals in the text and presented after the Appendixes. The title (Notes) appears aligned in the center on the first line below the page heading. Indent the first line of each endnote 1,25cm and number them according to the respective indications in the text.

G. Tables: They must be elaborated in Word (.doc) or Excel. In the case of graphical presentations of tables, preferably, use columns, avoiding other forms of presentation. In these presentations avoid using colors. Each table begins on a separate page. The word Table is aligned to the left on the first line below the page heading and followed by the number correspondent to the table. Use double space and type the title of the table on the left, in italic and with no period, with the first letter of each word in uppercase letters. They should not exceed 17,5 cm in width by 23,5 cm in length.

H. Figures: Figures should be presented on a separate page, using only JPG format. Do not exceed 17,5 cm in width by 23,5 cm in length. The title Figure is double-spaced below the figure, aligned to the left. Write Figure 1 (or 2, or 3, and so on), in italic, followed by the text of the caption, which should be in italic and with no period. The first letter of each word should be in lowercase letters.

The words Figure, Table and Appendix that appear in the text must be written with the first letter capitalized followed by the number (for Figures and Tables) or letter (for Appendixes) to which they refer. The use of expressions such as "the Table above" or "the Figure below" should not be used because in the editing process they may be placed somewhere else. The standards of APA (2009, 6th edition) do not include the denomination Charts or Graphs, only Tables and Figures.

It is the magazine's norm to eventually include figures in some articles, reviews and conferences. It is up to the editor to choose the images, if not sent by the author himself.



Peer Review Process


Manuscripts which are in accordance with the standards of the journal and are considered potentially publishable will be forwarded by the Editor to Associated Editors or to Ad-Hoc reviewers. Associate Editors, in turn, will forward manuscripts to specialists in their field (Ad-Hoc reviewers or Councilors - members of the Editorial Board).

Reviewers may recommend to Editors that the manuscripts be accepted without modifications, accepted conditioned by modifications, or rejected. The identity of reviewers is withheld from authors. Authors will have access to copies of the reviewer's judgment and their justifications. Manuscripts forwarded to reviewers will not have the author's identification.

The modified version will be reviewed by a Councilor, who may request as many modifications as necessary for the final acceptance of the manuscript. The Editor will always give the final decision on publishing, or not, a manuscript. The author's identity, at this point, may be informed to the Councilor.

The Councilor reserves the right to apply slight modifications to the author's text so to expedite the publication process. The Editorial Committee will settle specific cases.

The names of the reviewers that collaborated in selecting manuscripts will appear in the last edition of the year, without specifying which texts were individually analyzed.

Before forwarding to the publication the accepted manuscripts, the Editor will send a proof to the author(s) for proofreading. The authors have five working days to proofread the manuscript and return it to the Editor. If the authors do not return the proof without any alterations, the manuscript will be published according to the proof.

At this stage of the process, the author(s) whose manuscript has been accepted must send by e-mail a letter assigning copyrights to the journal.




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