ISSN 1679-4311 print version |
The launching of 2nd series of the Winnicott e-Prints journal on January of 2006 is a natural outcome of the importance acquired by the first series. Jointly founded in 2002 by the PUCSP Research Group in Philosophy and Psychotherapy (GrupoFPP) and the Winnicott Center in São Paulo (CWSP) with the support of the UNICAMP Centre for Logic (CLE), this journal had as its initial goal the publication of work by the members and collaborators of the two founding groups, who were mostly doing research related to Winnicott's paradigm of psychoanalysis. Defined as an electronic publication of preprints, the 1st series of the Winnicott e-Prints published papers that were recommended either by one its Editorial Board members or by ad hoc referees, and which could come out in a final form later on, perhaps with revisions, in another vehicle. The main goal, therefore, was to make public the preliminary findings of projects still in progress, elaborated in accordance with the line of research of the GrupoFPP (established in 1995), rather than the publication of results considered to be definitive. Recently, however, the need to open up the Winnicott e-Prints to the larger Winnicottian research and student community in Brazil and abroad became apparent. Indeed, Brazilian work on Winnicott began to grow exponentially, being distinguished within the Brazilian psychoanalytic community both by its quality and quantity. Besides the production by senior researchers, today we also have considerable work by young researchers who recently earned their graduate degree as well as by members of various groups of Winnicottian psychoanalysts. This development was reflected in a series of national meetings, which counted with significant international participation, and which have been promoted since the 1990s by various entities, including the GrupoFPP. The events by this group received support from the Graduate Studies Program in Clinical Psychology of the PUCSP, as well as from UNICAMP and state and federal institutions, and more recently from the Brazilian Society for Winnicottian Psychoanalysis (SBPW), founded in 2005. In view of this situation, that revealed an increasing demand for new publication spaces in the area of Winnicottian studies, the GrupoFPP and the Brazilian Society for Winnicottian Psychoanalysis decided to begin, with the support of CLE, the second series of the Winnicott e-Prints, this time with all the characteristics of a full-fledged electronic journal: regularity in the publication dates, double-blind refereeing by two consultants, a wider Editorial Board with members from the international community, stricter formatting guidelines, etc. The goals of the publication have been modified in accordance with this new proposal. The journal will now accept works on Winnicott and Winnicottian psychoanalysis submitted by any researcher who, in Brazil or abroad, wishes to contribute to this area of academic studies. What was once a local publication tool is now an international journal independent from of any particular line of research, edited according to norms widely accepted internationally, and in various Western languages (Portuguese, English, French, German, and Spanish). To lead off the editorial work of this new Winnicott e-Prints series, we count with the contribution of two Managing Editors, Ariadne Rezende Engelberg de Moraes and Conceição Aparecida Serralha de Araújo, who are distinguished representatives of the new generation of Brazilian researchers on Winnicott. Elsa Oliveira Dias Scientific Editor of the Winnicott e-Prints Zeljko Loparic Founder of the Winnicott e-Prints nformation not available yet. Please come back soon, or visit the journal's Portuguese version or Spanish version. |
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© 2011 Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise Winnicottiana
Rua João Ramalho, 146, São Paulo, Perdizes
tel. (011) 3676-0635.