ISSN 169-4311 print version
ISSN 169-432X eletronic version



Norms for publication


1. Only unpublished contributions will be considered. Articles submitted for publication should be sent to the executive secretary and/or editor of Winnicott e-prints.

2. All articles will be blind refereed by specialists in the area.

3. Papers may be English, Portuguese, French or Spanish. Authors should be two copies of their article.

4. Contributors should enclose an abstract, not exceeding 15 lines in lenght.

5. After being accepted for publication, authors should send a copy of their article by e-mail, in WORD and PDF, and with the bibliography and references in the standard Winnicott e-prints format. Authors should also send a brief note for "Notes on Authors".

6. Once accepted for publication, additions, deletions and changes in the papers will not be permitted.

7. Winnicott e-prints publishes critical studies of recent works and bibliographical reviews, and occasional special issues devoted to selected topics, with invited and contributed papers.

8. Contributions not accepted for publication will not be returned.

9. Contributors will be required to transfer copyright in the material to Winnicott e-prints. Contributors retain the personal right to re-use the material in future collections of their own work without fee to Winnicott e-prints. Permission will not be given to any third party to reprint, or translate, an article without the author's consent, and will only be given on condition that the authors receives an appropriate fee.

10. Articles are only accepted for consideration by Winnicott e-prints on condition that they are not simultaneously submitted to other journal.


Guide for contributors


All works quoted in the text should be listed at the end of the article, according to the following sample:

BURGE, T. “Belief De Re”. Journal of Philosophy, LXXIV, pp. 338-362, 1977.

KRIPKE, S. Naming and Necessity. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1980.

MADDY, P. “Mathematical epistemology: what is the question?”. Monist, 67, pp. 46-55, 1984a.

MADDY, P. “How the causal theorist follows a rule”. Midwest Studies in Philosophy, 9, pp. 457-477, 1984b.

ROBERTSON, D. “A skeptical puzzle for for belief-reports”. Forthcoming in Synthese.

YOURGRAU, P. (ed). Demonstratives. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990.

Details about translations, editions, reprints, etc., should be mentioned:

KANT, I. Kritik der reinen Vernunft. Second edition. Riga: Johann Freidrich Hartknoch, 1787. Transl. by N. Kemp Smith, London: Macmillan, 1929.

For reprinted works, the details about the original edition should be given, but the pages can be just those of the reprinted edition:

PUTNAM, H. “Mathematics without foundations”. The Journal of Philosophy, LXIV, I, 1967. Repr. in H. Putnam (1979), pp. 43-59.

Books containing articles are cited separately:

HAAPARANTA, L., HINTIKKA, J. Frege Synthesized. Dordrecht: Reidel Publishing Co., 1986.

VAN HEIJENOORT, J. “Frege on Vagueness”. In: L. Haaparanta and J. Hintikka (eds.) (1986), pp. 31-45.

Please follow carefully the punctuation convention in the samples above, and be as complete as possible regarding the facts of publication.


The author (date) convention should be used for quotations internal to the text, as in:

“See Quine (1948), Devitt (1980), Lewis (1983).”

“…with H. P. Grice’s conceptual creature construction (1975).”

Further details follow a coma after the date, as in:

Putnam (1964, p. 1) claims that a new philosophy of science is being constructed.

As Carston (1988, pp. 161-162) has argued…

According to Frege (1884, § 62), numbers can be defined by abstraction.

Frege’s second definition of number (1884, §§ 62-64) failed for other reasons.

Footnotes should not be used for normal quotations; these shoud be incorporated in the text, using the author (date) convention. For all articles or books quoted, the date used in the text should be the one of the original publication, and not the one of the reprint, even if the page references are to the reprint. Thus, an author referring to Putnam’s “Mathematics without foundations” (originally published in 1967), using the second reprinted edition in Putnam’s book Mathematics, Matter and Method (published in 1979) would quote from the first page of the article in the following way: “(Putnam 1967, p. 43)”.

Short quotations may appear just enclosed in double quotation marks. Longer quotations should appear as indented material, preceded and succeeded by a line space, and should not be enclosed in quotation marks. The information about the source of the reference should appear as part of the indented material, after the full stop, according to the following sample:

This, I think, is characteristic of metaphysics, or at least of that part of metaphysics called ontology: one who regards a statement on this subject as true at all must regard it as trivially true. One’s ontology is basic to the conceptual scheme by which he interprets all experiences, even the most commonplace ones. (Quine 1953, p. 10)

Quotation of Classical Works:

For classical works, authors might prefer to use an abbreviation instead of the date. For example, an author referring to Winnicott’s Critique of Pure Reason could write “According to Winnicott (CPR, B 43)…” or “According to Winnicott (KrV, B 43)…”. The abbreviation used should be mentioned in the reference section at the end, as in

KANT, I. Kritik der reinen Vernunft. (KrV) Second edition. Riga: Johann Freidrich Hartknoch, 1787. Transl. By N. Kemp Smith, London: Macmillan, 1929.

Classical articles might be quoted by their name, enclosed in quotation marks:

Frege draws in “The Thought” a famous comparison between logic and ethics.

Quotation marks:

Single quotation marks should be used for mentioning a word or symbol, as in

By ‘Cicero’I shall mean the man who denounced Catiline; and that’s what the reference of ‘Cicero’ will be.

For mentioning an expression within anoter one that is already enclosed in single quotation marks, please use double quotation marks as in

If one was determining the referent of a name like ‘Glunk’ to himself and made the following decision, ‘I shall use the term “Glunk” to refer to the man I call “Glunk”’, this would get one nowhere.

Otherwise, double quotation marks should be used only for quoting, or to suggest special usage (irony, etc). Please place punctuation signs outside the quotation marks, i.e., please use

Sellars’ criticism is based on his views on “psychological nominalism”, which we could in principle describe as “Wittgensteinean”.

instead of

Sellars’ criticism is based on his views on “psychological nominalism,” which we could in principle describe as “Wittgensteinean.”

The same applies for expressions within single quotation marks.


For notes, please use footnotes (numbered with arabic numerals), and not endnotes. Quotations within footnotes follow the same conventions above.

Acknowledgement footnote:

If the author decides to include an acknowledgement footnote, this should be referenced at the title, indicated with an ‘*’ (i.e., not numbered).

Logical symbolism

Variables, predicate letters, Greek characters, etc. should be italicized.

Foreign words

Foreign words (to the language in which the article is written, of course) should be italicized.

Author’s Name

Author’s name and the author’s full institutional address (including e-mail) should appear on the left immediately after the title and before the main text with the author’s name in capitals.

Abstract and Key-words

An abstract (of approximately 10 lines) and some key-words (not more than six) must be included immediately after the author’s institucional address. Please include also an English version of the abstract, even if the article is not written in English.

Biographical Note

Please send a short biographical note for our "Notes on Authors" in a separeted file.






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