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GUIBERT, Bernard. The metamorphosis of the needs in desires. Ide (São Paulo) [online]. 2014, vol.37, n.58, pp.71-84. ISSN 0101-3106.

Lacan and Kojève have "modernized" the Hegelian conception of desire placed as the essence of the mankind, based on structuralist linguistics that inscribes the subject in language. Capitalism determines socially and historically this desire because the mercantile exchanges are a rough language, "the language that the goods speak to each other", in Marx's happy expression. As a result, the seemingly rational purpose of purchases, the need to meet finite vital needs, is morphed into compulsive and unconscious search for inaccessible and infinite venal desires - similar to compulsion in the sexual perversion of fetishism - which opens prospects for unlimited commercialization for the capitalist globalization.

Keywords : Money; Capitalism; Marx; Lacan; Economy; Perversion; Alienation; Needs; Desires; Unlimited fetichism.

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