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Stylus (Rio de Janeiro)

Print version ISSN 1676-157X


STRAUSS, Marc. What answers the psychoanalyst?. Stylus (Rio J.) [online]. 2013, n.26, pp.133-138. ISSN 1676-157X.

The author departs from a discussion about the experience of the pass to question what enables the analyzed to make a choice at the end of the analysis. In contrast, he presents the symptom at the beginning of the analysis as the aspect which shows in the neurotic the impossibility of making this choice: the symptom is the conflict that takes the place of a choice. The experience of the analysis will then consist in making the symptom talk, denouncing its lying truth, its divided jouissance. The analytical interpretation is liberating, once it operates on the division of the subject, permitting another style of satisfaction other than the division. The symptom, through interpretation, is taken to the point of an impossible ability to decompose, which will remain to the individual as a know how. To exemplify this know how, the author revisits the experience of an artistic creation and some coordinates of the end of the analysis that were extracted from the narrative of a school analyst.

Keywords : Interpretation; Direction of treatment; Fantasy.

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