Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica
Print version ISSN 1809-6867
BARTHELEMY, Jean-Marie. Founding principles and actuality of a psychotherapeutic practice phenomenon-structural guided. Rev. abordagem gestalt. [online]. 2015, vol.21, n.2, pp.143-149. ISSN 1809-6867.
Neither does the curative concern stand at the core of reflection nor in the method of the phenomeno-structural approach. Should it mean that this practice could remain indifferent, insensitive and totally hermetic to one's distress to the point of staying deaf to its suffering, expressed or not, and its legitimate aspiration, formulated or implied, to improve one's condition? Who could pretend to such a disdain, especially originating from a school of thought and action empowering inter-human solidarity and furthermore claiming roots and attachments to humanistic intentions? It is specifically because of its broader project, more ambitious in many ways but also on the other hand more humble and realistic, that this approach can afford what would appear to an outsider as excessive arrogance or on the contrary, as a stunning lack of ambition. At the beginning of the 1950's, pages explicitly devoted to the psychotherapeutic question by the proponent of this method, Eugène Minkowski, although rare and limited in his work, contain nevertheless guidelines of a rigorous and surprising visionary freshness, even transposed today in a contemporary world, where their relevance are especially required. In his wake, by putting the encounter as the basic principle to establish the contact with a patient instead of his cure, in full awareness of the initial attitude supposed and required over time, as well as the nature of the collection of its clinical data, we will demonstrate how sources of analysis can emerge, leading at each point of the relationship, to perspectives of an individual transformation, contributing to a significant progress in regarding others and oneself as particularly suitable when this experience and evolution is shared.
Keywords : Method-structural phenomenon; Psychotherapy; Encounter.