Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise
Print version ISSN 0486-641X
GUERRA, Victor. Silence of death and silence of life in art and in the psychoanalytic practice.Translated byTradução Julia Tomasini. Rev. bras. psicanál [online]. 2016, vol.50, n.4, pp.93-100. ISSN 0486-641X.
In this paper, the author approaches the theme of silence by starting from the example of an artwork (a movie) and a clinical vignette. The author explores death-related and libidinal aspects of silence, and its value in both art and clinical practice. The author understands and considers art to be a fundamental parameter to capture in the fullest way human being's animistic processes. To that end, the author resorts to several poems and The piano, the movie. By using a clinical situation in which a child needed to remain in silence in the beginning of the session, the author attempts to demonstrate how analysis is also a way of art that implies a permanent and renewed challenge on the analyst's interventions, which are sometimes verbal, sometimes silent, and happen from the experience of non-integration. Also from these questions, the author reflects on the role of mirror and the analyst's participation in their own emotional implications in the session.
Keywords : silence; life; death; art; non-integration; mirror.