Revista Psicologia Política
On-line version ISSN 2175-1390
SALES, André Luis Leite de Figueirêdo; FONTES, Flávio Fernandes and YASUI, Silvio. 'Ativismo' and 'militância' in Brazil after June 2013: between repertoires, strategies and institutions. Rev. psicol. polít. [online]. 2019, vol.19, n.45, pp.154-169. ISSN 2175-1390.
The paper argues that the concepts of repertoire, strategy and institutions are crucial to understanding the changes in Brazilian collective action after June of 2013 since these three ideas are the ones overlapped in the current use of the words 'militância' and 'ativismo '. Repertoires describe the usual protestors routines; strategies frame the required procedures for triggering and conducting collective action, and institutions explain the manners through which changes in repertoires and strategies modify regimes of subjetification. Analyzing theses jointed ideas is possible by pointing out the expressive relations between them. More ink is spit in the institution concept because it is convenient to explicit how macro-social changes in repertoires and strategies produce changes in the subjectivity of the ones who call themselves 'militantes ' and 'ativistas '.
Keywords : SocialMovements; collective action; militancy; activism; subjectivity.