Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicologia
On-line version ISSN 1809-5267
LIMA, Edgley Duarte; MEDRADO, Benedito; LYRA, Jorge and QUIRINO, Túlio Romério. Masculinities in government advertising on men's health in Brazil. Arq. bras. psicol. [online]. 2020, vol.72, n.2, pp.155-174. ISSN 1809-5267.
This paper focuses studies on discursive practices produced in the implementation process of the National Policy for Integral Attention to Men's Health. The objective of this study is to examine discursive repertoires on masculinities in the official publicity of the Ministry of Health. The analysis dialogues with the studies on Discursive Psychology and with the analysis of discursive practices in social psychology. We analyzed the materials available on the website of the Ministry of Health and its profile on the Facebook® platform. The analysis is organized in three axes: 1) health as well-being, 2) care and nuclear family, and 3) men and violence. In general terms, we give visibility to the recurrence of repertoires considered hegemonic about masculinity and femininity, living with other lines of production of meanings that explain relevant contradictions.
Keywords : Men's Health; Health Policy; Masculinity; Health Communication; Social Psychology.