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Revista EPOS

On-line version ISSN 2178-700X


FERNANDES, Andréa Hortélio. Mal-being civilization its articulation with the language and literature. Rev. Epos [online]. 2015, vol.6, n.2, pp.179-199. ISSN 2178-700X.

The article deals with the malaise in civilization linking it to the psyches of human beings and their IDs. Part of the so-called sociological texts of Freud, especially, "The Malaise in Civilisation" (1930) and "Why war?" (1933) to then contribute the theory of libido and instinctual inherent in the very conflictive tension the symptom. It develops that interest in the genesis of self, led Lacan to propose me as a paranoid structure, reverting to the idea of ​​social tension to a tension between self and other, similar, adversary model. Works paranoid personality in the case Aimée in order to reassemble the elaborations of Lacan about a theory of the constitution of the subject identification. And thus proposes that the malaise in civilization is related to language structure inherent to the human being and its expression in literature, in children's play and drawings reveal the pulse of the unconscious structured like a language and timeless.

Keywords : malaise; symptom identification; literature; language.

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