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vol.5 número1-2O fantasma do fim da história e a positividade do princípio femininoCorpo desviante: olhar perplexo índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Psicologia USP

versión On-line ISSN 1678-5177


RODRIGUES, Arakcy Martins. The "other" at work: woman in industry. Psicol. USP [online]. 1994, vol.5, n.1-2, pp.221-244. ISSN 1678-5177.

This paper analyses data obtained in five factories, of different sizes and activities, with the objective of revisiting women's tasks after the introduction of new spaces for women in industry and new technologies. Although some regularity was found (production-packing dicotomy and masculine appropriation of technology) a more extensive perspective enforces the conclusion that, as regards the task, in each case there is a search for the differences and for the inferiority of women. Sociological and psychoanlytic theoretical models are employed to explain the social production of alterity at work by gender, which seems very strong and may even be entangled in the act of foundation of a society's culture.

Palabras clave : Working women; Human females; Human sex differences; Industry.

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