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vol.9 número1A cultura da universidade privada e seu mal-estar: um estudo interdisciplinar, psicanálise, educação e administraçãoA pesquisa em psicanálise na universidade: cenário dos grupos de pesquisa no Brasil índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Trivium - Estudos Interdisciplinares

versión On-line ISSN 2176-4891


BROUNSTEIN, Nestor. From one analyst to another. Trivium [online]. 2017, vol.9, n.1, pp.103-113. ISSN 2176-4891.

We can easily find well-known narratives of experiences, vignettes and case stories of psychoanalysis written by the analysts; they constitute a great part of which what we call our "literature". Much less frequent are the texts of sessions and of cures in which the authors are the "patients" (classical psychoanalysis) or the "analysands" (Lacanian vocabulary) themselves. This paper deals on just these and in the descriptions they give and wrote about. We quote cases seen by Freud, Jung, Winnicott and Lacan. It is noteworthy to see the fictitious characteristics of these testimonies that end up being true novels of what happened during the analysis... very like what happens with the clinical cases that swarm in magazines and book collections specialized in psychoanalysis. The "memories" of the analysts and analysands do not tell the "truth" of what happened because they are constructions that make us ask ourselves about the desire of the narrator in telling them. "It is not the memory which accounts for the unconscious but the unconscious which accounts for the memory". The Lacanian dispositive of "la passe" is an attempt to free psychoanalysis from the distortions of the memories of what really happened in a cure by taking it out of the subjectivity of the couple: analyst/analysand.


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