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vol.54 número3Nuevas construcciones en análisis ante el vacío psíquico, o el tedio y la apatíaPsicoanálisis Solidario: proyecto de la Dirección de la Comunidad y Cultura de la Febrapsi (2020) índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise

versión impresa ISSN 0486-641X


GOMES, Mário César Coelho  y  MALISKA, Maurício Eugênio. The voice on the threshold between flesh and word in the theater of Valère Novarina. Rev. bras. psicanál [online]. 2020, vol.54, n.3, pp.167-176. ISSN 0486-641X.

ABSTRACT This article attempts to approximate Valère Novarina's theater and Lacanian psychoanalysis by approaching the voice object. In Novarina's theater we see a profusion of the word in order to extract not its meaning but its voice as a part of the body that is thrown into the scenic area. In psychoanalysis, the voice emerges not as a vehicle or instrument of the word, but that which is subtracted from it in the constitution of the subject and remains as remnant. The vowel remnant is what returns to the scene, whether in the theater of the French playwright or in the analytic session itself, as a real body that insists on conveying something beyond meaning. Thus, the voice object is the pivot of this approach precisely because it is the inexorable of the subject, the pound of flesh that the subject loses to be constituted and returns to the stage of life in an insistent presence.

Palabras clave : voice; word; Novarina's theater; psychoanalysis.

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