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Ciências & Cognição

versión On-line ISSN 1806-5821


SOUSA, Janara. The seven erroneous theses about scientific knowledge:: epistemologics reflections. Ciênc. cogn. [online]. 2006, vol.8, pp.143-152. ISSN 1806-5821.

Abstract This article considers arguing the main characteristics of the scientific knowledge. For in such a way, we opt to working these characteristics taking as starting point the seven erroneous theses, made by the common sense, as much by the proper academic community, a real statute of the scientific knowledge. To work the erroneous theses was also a didactic option to facilitate the understanding of our object of study. We wait to assist in the distinction of the scientific knowledge of other types of knowledge. The used methods had been, mainly, bibliographical research in the area of Social Sciences, Scientific Methodology and Philosophy.© Ciências & Cognição 2006; Vol. 08: 143-152.

Palabras clave : science; scientific knowledge; common sense; ideology; politics; epistemology.

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