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Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica

versión impresa ISSN 1809-6867


FERNANDES, Marcos Aurélio. Reflections about the fondamental words “I-Thou” and “I-It". Rev. abordagem gestalt. [online]. 2007, vol.13, n.2, pp.195-205. ISSN 1809-6867.

On the following paper there is a hermeneutic effort towards a re-interpretation of Martin Buber´s I-Thou, gathering the sense from his fundamental words. First of all, the fundamental words are taken as fundamental words, meaning words of funding, outlining the fund from which rises the duality of human attitudes and of the world in its way of showing for the human being. Second, fundamental words are taken as fundamental words, as concretions of language, from which the human being speaks and takes on responsibility for their world. In a third moment the saying-Thou and saying-It are pointed out as attitudes, as unique. human ways of acting in their world. From there rises the polarity in which the human being oscillates from subject and unique being, who uses and experiences what he is granted access to object and being true subjectivity itself, the person who is fulfilled only as they take part of real life, which is the life of relation. Thus, it is a reading made, so to speak, from the center towards periphery, from the depths to the surface, from a priori to empirical. It is a reading done as if backwards, a meditative reading, in a sense of being an opening to follow and pursuit the structure of sense, weaved and posted by thought, in the literacy of the text.

Palabras clave : Encounter; Word; Language; I and Thou; Attitude; Person.

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