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versión On-line ISSN 2318-9282


CESAR, Fátima Flórido. Morte e vida na adolescência: da dor e da delícia de ser jovem. Desidades [online]. 2019, n.22, pp.11-22. ISSN 2318-9282.

This article intends to reflect upon the subject of suffering during adolescence that has been presenting itself through risk-taking behaviors: depression, suicidal thoughts and attempts, and attacks on the body. It is worth to mention that this brief study stems from the high incidence of suicide and self-harm in the last years. The articulation between the epidemic characteristics and the singularity of these young patients’ mental illnesses has led me to resort to Ana’s story, her helplessness and identification with groups organized around death. On the other hand, it is necessary to recognize the  signs of life and the longing for a sense of belonging in the search for a revitalizing meeting with the analyst and a place in life through ties with peers who share ideas and a subjective language. Thus, the analyst’s desire for life and the patient’s coping resources become allies.

Palabras clave : adolescence; suicide; cutting; helplessness; search for a sense of belonging.

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