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 número31O traço como marca do sujeitoRessonâncias do romantismo no discurso freudiano sobre o amor índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Estudos de Psicanálise

versão impressa ISSN 0100-3437versão On-line ISSN 2175-3482


ANDRE, Jacques. Laura or the sexual boundaries of necessity. Estud. psicanal. [online]. 2008, n.31, pp.65-76. ISSN 0100-3437.

Considering one of his patients’ psychoanalysis, the author disagrees of Winnicott when, moving away from the freudian perspective, intends to isolate and treat the human environmental failure that occurs in the origins of life, taken apart from the pulsional character of psyche. The human experience does not support the idea of “natural necessities“, which never appear isolated, but changed by the adults’ unconscious. Updated by the transfer, “necessities” (such as the dependence, for instance) are like bags without bottom, they are like an addiction. Nevertheless, they are situated in the field of sexual and its infantilism. The fundamental rule invites thinking to self-eroticism. A true sexualisation that creates the psychoanalytic setting, this seduction rests upon the statement that affirms the infantile sexual as a determinant to the psychic conflict. Also, the infantile sexual is the responsable for the psychic transformations because of its plasticity, its polymorphic nature and its capacities for psychic changing. that may be put into the service of those mental modifications. In one extremity, the repetition until the compulsion; in the other, the incomparable displacement faculty. Thus, the goal of the treatment is not to introduce an infantile sexuality supposed as absent - the excessive of “necessities” points out its compulsive presence - but, indeed, to restore and even to invent the plasticity. Every technical playing to which Winnicott is involved to should be interpreted in this sense. The infantile sexuality is not only the psychoanalysis’ object: it is also the way of researching.

Palavras-chave : Natural necessities; Infantile sexuality; Updating in transfer; Compulsion of repetition; Plasticity to transformer.

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