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vol.47 número4Viver em poesia: escrita psicanalítica e vida oníricaLiteratura, poesia e psicanálise índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise

versão impressa ISSN 0486-641X


MARINHO, Ney. Mia Couto: listening/reading/writing/loving AfricaMia Couto: escuchar/leer/escribir/amar a África. Rev. bras. psicanál [online]. 2013, vol.47, n.4, pp.32-38. ISSN 0486-641X.

The author describes Mia Couto as one of the most important introducers of Africa. He associates the Portuguese-African author's identity crisis to that of French-Maghrebian-Jewish philosopher Jacques Derrida. He briefly discusses other themes that the interview raised: dreaming/thinking, a language for the African experience; the somnambulistic continent, the war, the impossible literature; reconciliation and truth, the meeting of Africa with itself and our re-encounter. He draws attention to the constant work in the caesura (Bion) which he sees in Mia Couto's writings. The author ends his text dedicating it to everybody who loves Africa, mentioning in particular: Alberto da Costa e Silva (our main Africanist) and António Pacheco Palha (professor of the pioneering African psychiatrists of the Portuguese-speaking countries, in his subject at the College of Medicine of Porto).

Palavras-chave : Mia Couto; identity; caesura; Africa; truth; reconciliation.

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