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Estilos da Clinica
versão impressa ISSN 1415-7128
KUPFER, Maria Cristina Machado et al. A produção brasileira no campo das articulações entre psicanálise e educação a partir de 1980. Estilos clin. [online]. 2010, vol.15, n.2, pp.284-305. ISSN 1415-7128.
This is a bibliographic survey in order to know what was produced at the field joints between psychoanalysis and education from the 1980s in Brazil. The search was the CAPES theses database, the journal Estilos da Clínica, publisher sites, Proceedings of the Symposia LEPSI (IP / FE - USP) and the Directory of Research Groups in Brazil CNPq. We found 277 works, including doctoral theses, articles, books and presentations at seminars. Were also located 43 university research groups registered in CNPq. The research aims to provide the reader a first overview of the course, interests and main lines to the field printed by the works.
Palavras-chave : bibliographic survey; psychoanalysis; education.