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Psic: revista da Vetor Editora

versão impressa ISSN 1676-7314


OLIVEIRA, Ana Carolina Sales; DE ALMEIDA, Elizabeth Oliveira Crepaldi; OLIVEIRA, Sandra Maria da Silva Sales  e  PINTO, Ana Beatriz D'Alma. How the deaf children play: a study based on a phonoaudiology approach. Psic [online]. 2006, vol.7, n.2, pp.77-84. ISSN 1676-7314.

This study aims at analyzing the playing moments of deaf children through the observation in free activities in a specialized institute. Eighteen deaf students from an institute for deaf children in the inner part of Minas Gerais (Brazil) were studied. Their ages ranged from 2 to 5 years old, male and female, all of them students of an institute for deaf children. Five observations and a video recording were analyzed, and the results about how the deaf children play made possible to obtain data for the professional activities of the phonoaudiologist. The observation and the recording provided a variety of situations or phenomena in the "real context". The results of this study brought contributions from the playing activities in a space where the word is present, supporting the phonoaudiologist worrying about the toys, actions, and specially to what the child "says" (symbolism) while playing.

Palavras-chave : Play; Deaf; Development.

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