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vol.41 número77O que é o amor?A histeria, o desejo e o enigma do feminino índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0102-7395


ABREU, Scheherazade Paes de. About women's surroundings: love, speech and joy. Reverso [online]. 2019, vol.41, n.77, pp.87-93. ISSN 0102-7395.

"About woman's surroundings" is a brief article on love, phallus and joy. This writing unveils some paths which thin the way to the final question: what can be said about the woman's enjoyment, if she knows nothing. A snippet from a literary work brings a perspective that shows that there is nobody who is not affected by something from the non-knowledge and by something of the truth. Knowledge is related to love. This text invites us to think about questions of demand and the proof of love, about the mother and the woman, about the encounter between a perversion and a riddle, about myth, about an enjoyment other than the phallic jouissance - and still the father, the emptiness and the perversion.

Palavras-chave : Woman; Phalus; Love; Delight; Pére-version; Non-all.

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