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vol.31 número47O nascimento da melancolia índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0101-3106


ANDRE, Jacques. Event and temporality: the après-coup in treatment. Ide (São Paulo) [online]. 2008, vol.31, n.47, pp.139-167. ISSN 0101-3106.

The title of the article, “Event and temporality”, indicates two poles. Whereas the first interview of psychotherapy has the (almost) guaranteed conditions of an après-coup phenomenon, under the double register of trauma and openness, the event along the psychoanalytical treatment is less guaranteed. The fruitful conjunction of a traumatic moment and the resulting psychic reorganization often takes time, and it may even tire the wait itself. “Nothing happens in this psychoanalysis”. The privileged references to the repetition of the obsessive or to the neutralization of the process, such as it is seen in some borderline configurations, correspond to the desire to approach the après-coup issue from its failures, absences or odd forms rather than from its successful accomplishments. The après-coup is a matter of time. One may not isolate it from a broader psychoanalytical concept of temporality. It is built into a set of which Freud’s statement of the atemporality of the unconscious is the most original formulation. In its philosophical generality, time is not the subject matter of psychoanalysis. However, the human being’s forms of psychic inscription in time challenge both the psychoanalytical theory and practice. How does the après-coup impact the temporality process? What role does it play? Where does the event lie in the construction of temporality?

Palavras-chave : Repression; Originating repression; Temporality; Trauma.

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