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vol.21 número1O corpo e a máquina: um terreno de experiência, a clínica do adolescente¹O impacto da doença de Alzheimer nas relações intergeracionais índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Psicologia Clínica

versão impressa ISSN 0103-5665versão On-line ISSN 1980-5438


OLIVEIRA, Prado de. The mystery novel and the origins of psychoanalysis. Psicol. clin. [online]. 2009, vol.21, n.1, pp.119-136. ISSN 0103-5665.

The myth of Oedipus is the first "mystery" adventure of our time and one of the most modern: a man searches for a murderer without knowing that he himself is the criminal. Freud ignores Sherlock Holmes, but this is the one that an ideal reflection requires a dim light and a couch. Some stories by Edgar Allan Poe have become required passages in French psychoanalytic thought, not without some trouble. Since Freud's first studies on Leonardo Da Vinci, applied psychoanalysis has always encountered difficulties that may not be so different from the ones faced by individual psychoanalytic technique. This article examines them.

Palavras-chave : the Purloined letter; Poe; Lacan; Derrida; Oedipus.

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