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vol.36 número109Conhecimentos e práticas inclusivas acerca dos transtornos de aprendizagens mais frequentes no município de Venâncio AIRES-RS índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Psicopedagogia

versão impressa ISSN 0103-8486


AQUINO, Janaína Liz  e  BORGES-PARANA, Camila Maia de Oliveira. Neuropsychological evaluation of working memory in schoolchildren. Rev. psicopedag. [online]. 2019, vol.36, n.109, pp.3-9. ISSN 0103-8486.

INTRODUCTION: Working memory consists of a set of elaborate cognitive processes developed that combine the temporary storage and the processing of the information received. This system is involved in higher cognitive activities such as language comprehension, reading, arithmetic and problem solving. The literature indicates that students with learning disabilities may have losses in processing, storage or manipulation of information. Thus, studies that investigate the development of working memory are essential for understanding the learning process. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the working memory of schoolchildren and to correlate the results with the academic performance. METHODS: The sample was composed of 30 elementary and middle school students, with an average age of 10.4 (SD=3.45) years, 50% female and 73.3% of private school. Participants were evaluated from the subtests that comprise the Working Memory Index of the WISC-IV (Digits, Arithmetic and Sequence of Numbers and Letters) and the complementary instrument Corsi Block. The time of each evaluation was approximately 1 hour. The academic performance of the students was analyzed from the school report card. RESULTS/CONCLUSION: The results show that working memory exerts a direct influence on academic performance, requiring its investigation and early identification of deficits, so that prevention and intervention measures can be adopted, avoiding academic impairment and future learning difficulties.

Palavras-chave : Neuropsychological Evaluation; Learning; Working Memory; WISC-IV.

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