1 1Treinamento de professores no uso de princípios e técnicas de modificação de comportamento em sala de aulaO toxicômano: dados psico-sociais e estrutura psico-dinâmica 
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Psicologia: ciência e profissão

 ISSN 1414-9893

SILVA, Maria Teresa Araujo. Avanços recentes em psicobiologia. Psicol. cienc. prof. []. 1981, 1, 1, pp.61-77. ISSN 1414-9893.

Three issues, representing different levels of a approach of the relationship between behavior and biological events, are discussed. Advances in the understanding of the underlying mechanisms of behavior are presented: the molecular basis of pain, the mechanism of behavioral processes at a celular level, and the psicosomatic problem taken the orgamism as a whole.

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