Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicologia
ISSN 1809-5267
DOCKHORN, Carolina N. B. F WERLANG, Blanca S. G. CVV volunteers: socialdemografic and psychological characteristics. Arq. bras. psicol. []. 2009, 61, 1, pp.162-175. ISSN 1809-5267.
The purpose was to identify social demographical and psychological characteristics on volunteers that offer, uninterruptedly, emotional support to the community in four CVV branches (Porto Alegre, Novo Hamburgo, Blumenau and Florianópolis) which are part of the ''Centro de Valorização da Vida'', a non-governmental organization recognized by the Brazilian Health Department as an agent of suicide prevention. One hundred volunteers participated, being submitted to a social demographical data formulary, Factorial Extroversion, Socialization and Neuroticism Scales. Results show people who are well educated and economically stable which favors them to social work. In psychological terms, the scores obtained in Extroversion and Socialization factors suggest sensibility and capacity of adaptation and communication. In Neuroticism factor, the scores show tendency to independency and to experience stressful situations without emotional instability. The volunteers have psychological characteristics similar to general population and appreciated by CVV.
: Volunteering; CVV; Centro de Valorização da Vida; Suicide prevention.