Psicologia Ensino & Formação
ISSN 2177-2061 ISSN 2179-5800
OLIVEIRA, Irani Tomiatto de; SOLIGO, Ângela; OLIVEIRA, Suenny Fonsêca de ANGELUCCI, Biancha. Capacitation in Psychology in Brazil: Historical background and Current Challenges. Psicol. Ensino & Form. []. 2017, 8, 1, pp.3-15. ISSN 2177-2061.
This article intends to review recommendations and guidelines for educating Psychology students in Brazil since their first proposition, covering thematic contents and basic courses, composition of the majors, classifications and entitlements, besides historic aspects and the relationship between educating institutions and other Brazilian Psychology organizations that were relevant in the debate on the education of Brazilian Psychologists. This paper debates from the minimal curriculum to the current structure of Nacional Curriculum Guidelines for the graduation in Psychology, recalling the background of Licentiate courses and specificities of Psychology as a Science, its implications, and its recognition and insertion in professions in the field of Health Care. The elements and reflections here raised are hoped to contribute in the debate on what kind of psychologists should emerge from graduation, considering ethical, theoretical, and methodological principles, as well as guiding principles that lead to the social commitment of Psychology.
: psychology; education; academic studies; teaching of psychology.