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vol.19 número1Cenas incestuosas contemporâneas: fragmentos enunciativos sobre a culpabilização da mulher-mãeObjetos mediadores e a entrevista devolutiva em grupo de pais no contexto do psicodiagnóstico interventivo índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 1806-2490


SILVA, Alinne Ferreira da  e  MIURA, Paula Orchiucci. The child's history past and the adoption revelation process, from the perspective of adoptive parents. Vínculo [online]. 2022, vol.19, n.1, pp.27-36. ISSN 1806-2490.

This article aimed to understand the child's past history and the process of revelation of adoption from the perspective of adoptive parents. It is a research field qualitative, descriptive and exploratory, which used the case study as a method. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with two adoptive mothers and fathers. The results were analyzed through of the analysis of the content of Minayo. It was observed that the children's stories and/or the parents' access to them, showed themselves with very particular issues, due to the availability of the protection organs, associated with the cases, to pass on information about this past. Most parents showed interest in revealing the adoption, however, the issue was linked to insecurity, since, in addition to not having access to information about their children's previous story, parents showed difficulties in dealing with the child's past, data that reveal the importance of the psychologist to assist adopters in the elaboration of contents linked to the adoptive experience, among them, yours anxieties linked to the fear of losing their child, due to the camouflage: biological family x adoptive family.

Palavras-chave : adoption revelation; adoptive families; past history.

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