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Updated onJune 15, 2020

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Publication ofFederacao Brasileira de Psicodrama (FEBRAP)
On-line version ISSN 2318-0498


The Revista Brasileira de Psicodrama (RBP) is an open access journal, published three times a year, dedicated to the publication of original and unpublished articles of theoretical and/or practical relevance resulting from technical and scientific research in the field of Psychodrama, contributing to the advancement of specialty and scientific research at national and international level. RBP target audience are researches, professors, students and professionals of the psychodramatic approach and others interested in psychotherapy and group practices. It disseminates new trends of the national and international psychodramatic movement, stimulating reflection and debate on the psychodrama inserted in the contemporary scientific, cultural, social and political context. In QUALIS/CAPES is classified as A4.


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