ISSN 2175-2591 online


The journal


The Journal


Revista NUFEN: phenomenology and interdisciplinary, published by the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) was created in its printed format in 2003 by the Nucleus of Phenomenological Research (NUFEN). In 2009, the Review began to publish in an electronic form in order to foster and make information available on national and international psychological knowledge. This is a quarterly periodical that publishes topics preferably related to the fields of Humanistic Psychology, Phenomenology, Existentialism and Hermeneutics.

Revista NUFEN: phenomenology and interdisciplinary publishes articles in the following categories: Article, theoretical study/ essays, reports from experiences, study of revision, summary of dissertation/ theses and review.

The editorial policy is based on the interdisciplinarity, dialogue and diversity. It aims to give visibility to the advance of scientific communication in the field of social and human sciences, with emphasis on clinical and health Psychology. This effort seeks to highlight the inter-relationships between the singular and the global, beginning in the Northern Region, the Amazon context, as a geographical setting to create a network of international interchange.

The NUFEN Review: phenomenology and interdisciplinary is a quarterly academic journal, that serves to disseminate interdisciplinary contributions in the field of Humanistic Psychology, Phenomenology, Existentialism and Hermeneutics. It also aims to offer visibility to the North-Northeast-Southeast axis of Psychology. The Review publishes original research on the following issues: Psychology, History, Epistemology, Philosophy, Education, Health, Social and Anthropological Sciences.





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Universidade Federal do Pará
Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas
Cidade Universitária Prof. José da Silveira Netto - Campus Básico
Rua Augusto Corrêa, 01 - Guamá
66075-900 Belém - PA - Brasil

© Direitos Reservados - Revista do NUFEN 2009