The editorial policy is based on the interdisciplinarity, dialogue and diversity. It aims to give visibility to the advance of scientific communication in the field of social and human sciences, with emphasis on clinical and health Psychology. This effort seeks to highlight the inter-relationships between the singular and the global, beginning in the Northern Region, the Amazon context, as a geographical setting to create a network of international interchange. The contents and opinions expressed in this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Editorial Board of Revista. Revista accepts articles for publication in the following languages: Portuguese, English, French and Spanish. The Editorial Board will the author when the article has been written in one of these languages. The name of all authors must be inserted, only when the article is being submitted, in the Revista system, after it has been duly registered in the web portal ( should contain the authors’ name, last name, a short Resume, or the resume from Lattes platform with the most updated academic title; academic affiliation; position he/she occupies in his/her area of expertise; e-mail and full address to receive communications. Attention: Once the article is approved/ accepted, no further inclusions made by the authors will be allowed. With the exception of abstracts from thesis and dissertations that accept only one (1) author, all other texts must contain no more than four (4) authors. Co-authorship implies participation in all phases of its production. The role of each author must be specified in the letter sent to the periodical.
The periodical adopts a process of anonymous peer review, based on criteria of quality and scientific rigor, originality, data validation, and relevance for the respective area of research, therefore, articles with the name(s) of the author(s) in the document or annexes in Word, will be returned in the Revista system to be submitted again. The approval of articles is conditioned to opinions by two referees, whose decision can be: acceptance, acceptance with the required corrections, submit it again for review, send it to another review and reject. In case of conditional approval, the final approval will be subject to the necessary adjustments made by the author(s); |
a) Articles The research must be original and based on empirical data, using qualitative and/or quantitative methodology. There should must be a critical discussion of the results explaining the contribution for the production of knowledge. Articles should be organized into the following sections: introduction, methodology, results from discussions and conclusions (15-20 pages). b) Theoretical Studies/ Essays Analysis from themes, and theory- based issues. It involves critical reflection and questioning on existing ways of thinking and acting, besides the proposition for appropriate elaborations that expand the discussions on some specific theme (15-20 pages). c) Experience Report The reports should be based on professional experiences of interest and relevance to different or related psychological approaches. It should contribute to improve professional practices (15 -20 pages). d) Review Studies It aims a rigorous review of existing scientific literature on some specific theme on psychology and other related areas (10-15 pages). e) Summary of Dissertations and Theses It is intended to disseminate stricto sensu empirical or theoretical researches in the area of psychology and related scientific areas (1-2 pages). |
The manuscripts must be submitted through the online system *.doc or *.docx (Microsoft® Word 97 or above). The manuscripts can be written in Portuguese, Spanish English or French using A4 size paper, Arial 11font, 2.5 cm margins and 1.5 line spacing to the body text. a) Parts of the original manuscript a.1 Title: it must be direct and concise, written in the author’s original language (maximum of 12 words), with the translation to English or Spanish. If the article was written in English, Spanish or French it must also contain the title in Portuguese. Text formatting: The title written in the text original language: Arial 11, bold, uppercase, 1.5 line spacing, centralized, adding two line spacing afterwards. a.2 Name of the authors and affiliations with institutions (name of the university) and country: The data concerning the author(s) of the article, such as name, institution affiliation, and country must be inserted in the blank space for “Comments to the Editor" in the review submission system. Furthermore, the editors request that all authors keep their personal data accurate and updated in the submission web portal. a.3 Abstract: It should be written in the same language of the article, containing between 100 and 150 words. In case of reports or research communications, the abstract must present brief information on the objectives, methodology and results of the study. The abstract does not necessarily have to include information on the literature of the subject or any bibliographic reference. The objective should be clear, informing, if appropriate, the problem and hypothesis of the study. For the research reports, the methodology must offer brief information on the participants, instruments and procedures used. Only the most important results related to the objectives of the research should be mentioned in the abstract. Authors who submit texts written in a language rather than Portuguese should include the title, abstract and key words in Portuguese, English and Spanish. Formatting: Start with the term Abstract in Arial 11, bold, single spacing, centralized. Insert the abstract on the line below using Arial 11, regular, single spacing, justified, alignments of 1cm on the left and 1cm on the right. a.4 Keywords: They should be in the same language of the article (minimum of 3 and maximum of 5 words). All words should begin with a capital letter and separated by semicolons. It is imperative the use of the Terminology in Psychology from the Virtual Health Library -VHL to define the keywords. Available in Portuguese on the BVS Psychology ( Formatação: Formatting: Start with the term Keyword, Arial 11 and bold. Next, place the keywords in the same line. Use single spacing, justified, alignments of 1cm on the left and 1cm on the right. Add one line spacing afterwards a.5 Abstract and resumen (in Spanish): Abstract, resumen and “resumo” in Portuguese should be followed by the words Keywords and “palabras clave” respectively. The general norms for elaboration and presentation of these elements should follow the same instructions for the abstract in Portuguese. a.6 BodyText: Subheadings must be in Arial 11, bold, capital letters, 1.5 spacing, justified. Do not number the subheadings. Add one line spacing before and after each subtitle. In case of sections within a subtitle, they must be formatted according to the norms set by do Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association – APA (6th edition). The bodytext should be written in Arial 11, justified, 1.5 spacing, and the first line with alignments of 2cm. Use italic font for words or expressions that should be emphasized and also when using foreign words to the one being used in the text. Use bold for headings and subheadings only. Do not use underlined words. Do not use watermarks. Footnotes should be used as little as possible and only for those situations when information cannot be added to the text. Footnotes should be avoided, however, when included in the bodytext they should be indicated by sequential Arabic numbers, immediately after the phrase or word to which they refer. The notes should be shown in the footer of the same page. The references cited by the authors in the text should be at the end of the text and not as footnotes. Footnote formatting should be in Arial 9, regular, single spacing, no margins spacing justified. Do not insert notes in the headings or in the name of authors. Acknowledgements and credits to financial institutions should be presented as a final note at the end of the text. Literature citations in-text citations should have less than 40 words, with quotation marks around the author’s words. After the citation and before the punctuation, include the reference to author’s name, year of publication and page number separated by commas and enclosed within parenthesis. If the authors name is referred before the citation, the year must be inserted immediately after, and the page number placed after the citation. When part of the citation in original font is surrounded by double quotation marks, replace it by single quotation marks. Literature citations with more than 40 words must be highlighted from the text in a new paragraph with left-alignment at 2cm, in Arial 11, regular, 1.5 spacing, justified. After the citation, before the punctuation, insert the following information: author’s name, year of publication and page number separated by commas and enclosed within parenthesis. If the author is mentioned before the citation, the year must be placed immediately after the name, while the page number inserted after the citation. Add one line spacing before and after the citation and do not enclose the entire citation within parenthesis. Citation from interviews with less than 40 words should be inserted into the text, surrounded by quotation marks and in italics. Citation from interviewswith more than 40 words must be highlighted from the text with left-alignment at 2cm, in Arial, italics, single spacing, justified. Add one line spacing before and after the citation. Further information on citations please check the norms on the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association – APA (6ª edition). Pictures, photos and tables should begin with: Figure 1 or Image 2 etc., and inserted below the image, in Arial 11, italic, single spacing, justified. Add one line spacing before and after the caption. The table and pictures caption should begin with the indication: Table 1 or Picture 2 etc., and inserted above the picture, in Arial 11, italic, single spacing, justified. Add one line spacing before and after the caption. a.7 References: Use the author-date referencing system, following the norms set by the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association – APA (6th edition). Format in Arial 11, 1.5 spacing, with left-alignment. The subtitle - References - should be centralized in bold. The first line of each reference begins close to the left margin while the ones that come after with alignment at 0.75 cm, using the selection criteria “shift” in the paragraph editor. All citations in the body text must appear in the reference list. a.8 Annexes: do not add them. a.9 Information on the authors: A brief description on the authors should be shown at the end of the text, including his/her highest academic degree, institution and e-mail Formatting: Begin with: “Information on the author(s)”, in Arial 11, bold, justified. Single spacing, left-alignment at 1cm. In the another paragraph below, with left-alignment at 1cm and right alignment at 1cm, begin with the name of the first author in bold, Arial 10, 1.5 spacing, followed by the respective information beginning with the highest academic degree, intuitional affiliation and e-mail. Repeat the same normalization if there are other authors. |
The norms for citation must be rigorously observed. All studies mentioned should be followed by the authors’ names and date of publication. Avoid any secondary citation, when the original can be easily recuperated. Only articles effectively investigated can be listed in References. Do not use terms such as apud, op. cit., id. ibidem etc. They are not in conformity with APA norms. Use preferably words such as: “cited by”, “article mentioned above” etc. Every study cited in the text must appear in the Reference list. Only the studies consulted and mentioned in text must appear in this section. a)Indications for citations in the body text: * Multiple Authorship Works - Two authors: Cite the two names in text whenever the work is referred, followed by the year of the work inside parenthesis - Three to five authors: List all the authors in the signal phrase the time the source is cited for the first time, followed by year of the study inside parenthesis. Use the word “and” between the authors’ last names if they are cited on text. When they are cited inside parenthesis, their names should be separated by the ampersand (&). When the same reference is used, use the last name of the first followed by "et al." and the year of the study - Six or more authors: Cite only the last name of the first author, followed by "et al." and the year of the study. However in the Reference section the names of all authors should be mentioned. * Citation of Old or Reprinted Works - Author (date of the original publication/ date when the publication was consulted).
Secondary Citation - Citation of a secondary source without using the original work. In this case, list the last name of the author and, in parenthesis, the year, “cited by”, the last name of the secondary source’s author and year of the work. In the Reference section cite only the work consulted. Whenever possible present the bibliographic reference of the secondary source. * Citations by the same author in the same year - After listing the year, add lower case letters, no space. Organize the references in the reference list alphabetically by the title of the article. * Highlighting and suppressions in citations -
If the citation has words or expressions emphasized by the author of the citation, they should be used in italics and, after the page number, add: "emphasis added " If the author wishes to emphasize a particular word or from the citation, he/she must use the italic font and, after listing the page, write: "emphasis added " . In case of suppression of part of the citation, use ell ipsis in parenthesis . Do not use ellipsis in the beginning or the end of the citation.
Examples of reference formatting
The examples below show some of the many possibilities for references. See the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition) to verify the requirements for different types of references. a) Article in scientific journal. Nascimento, L. C. S., & Vale, K. S. (2013). Reflexões acerca do fazer ético na clínica gestáltica: um estudo exploratório. Revista da Abordagem gestáltica, 19(2), 157-166. Gomes, N. P., Erdmann, A. L., Bettinelli, L. A., Higashi, G. D. C., Carneiro, J. B., & Diniz, N. M. F. (2013). Significado da capacitação profissional para o cuidado da mulher vítima de violência conjugal. Escola Anna Nery, 17(4), 683-689. b) Electronic sources - Web references Oliveira, I. F., Dantas, C. M. B., Costa, A. L. F., Silva, F. L., Alverga, A. R., Carvalho, D. B., & Yamamoto, O. H. (2004). O psicólogo nas unidades básicas de saúde: formação acadêmica e prática profissional. Interações, 9(17), 71-89. Recuperado em 01 de agosto de 2016, de Moreira, V. (2009). La Terapia Gestáltica y el Enfoque Centrado en la Persona son enfoques fenomenológicos?. Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica, 15(1), 3-12. Recuperado em 03 de agosto de 2016, de c) Books Machado, A. P., & Morona, V. C. (2007). Manual de Avaliação Psicológica. Curitiba: Unificado. Foucault, M. (1992). As palavras e as coisas (S. T. Muchail, Trad.). São Paulo: Martins Fontes. (Original publicado em 1966). d) Book chapter Dalgalarrondo, P. (2008). Síndromes relacionadas a substâncias psicoativas. In Dalgalarrondo, P. (Org). Psicopatologia e semiologia dos transtornos mentais (2ª ed.). (pp. 344-351). Porto Alegre: Artmed. Couto, M. T., & Schraiber, L. B. (2005). Homens, saúde e violência: novas questões no campo da saúde coletiva. In Minayo, M. C. S., & Coimbra Jr, C. E. A. (Org.). Críticas e atuantes: ciências sociais e humanas em saúde na América Latina (pp. 687-706). Rio de Janeiro: Fiocruz. e) Theses and dissertations Oliveira, G. R. S. A. (2011). O Significado do vivido da denúncia para mulheres em situação de violência conjugal (Dissertação de Mestrado). Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador. Miranda, M. P. M. (2010). Violência Conjugal Física contra a Mulher na Vida: Prevalência e impacto imediato na Saúde, Trabalho e Família (Tese de Doutorado). Universidade Federal de São Paulo, SP. f) For a work that has not been released, yet: The reference should not list the year, until that article is published. Hussein, C. L. (no prelo). Eficiência de uma intervenção remediativa em compreensão de leitura em alunos de diferentes áreas de pós-graduação. Psicologia, Ciência e Profissão. |
Itens to be considered before submission
As part of the submission process, the authors should check if their articles are in conformity with all items in the following list. If the submissions are not in accordance with the norms, they will be returned to the authors. The following article check-list will be useful prior to sending it to the journal. • The article has not been published previously and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; • The texts must be in Microsoft Word; • They should include URLs for the references; • Follow the format rules and the required normalization ; • Follow the style patterns and bibliographical requirements described in "Instruction to Authors "; • Assure that the work authorship has been removed from the file and the properties of the document; • If the research has been done with human beings, mention the approval by a Professional Ethics Committee. |
The copyrights of articles published in this periodical belong to NUFEN. When the author(s) submit a manuscript to the Editorial Board, they agree with these terms. The total reproduction of the articles in other publications, or for any other purposes, needs a written permission of the Editor of NUFEN. |
The names, addresses informed in the submission system used by this periodical will be used exclusively for services rendered by this publication, and will be available for other purposes or for third parties. |
Publication Ethics and Good Practice
• Revista NUFEN requires that the authors of the articles declare any existing source of funding of the research that gave origin to the papers. • Revista NUFEN accepts only original articles, and does not accept duplicate papers, that is, papers that have already been published, in its original language or translated. • In case the article has more than one author, the authors must declare that there is no conflict of interest between them. • This review considers misconduct the fabrication and falsification of data, or plagiarism. The Editor of Revista NUFEN will act in accordance with the applicable norms set by COPE. Every submission must comply with COPE guidelines: • If plagiarism is confirmed in any published work, Universidade Federal do Pará (Federal University of Pará) and Revista NUFEN disclaim any responsibility, and the author(s) will face all expenses if any legal action is taken against him/her/ them. • If the author(s) make use of images, fabrication and falsification of data Universidade Federal do Pará and Revista NUFEN disclaim any illegality committed, the onus of any possible irregularity shall be faced by the author(s). • If Research Misconduct is identified after the publication, this review will publish an explanatory note in its next issue. Furthermore, the article will be removed from the issue or volume of review . This will be a norm-penalty of Revista NUFEN. • When the research involves experimentation with human beings and animals, the author(s) must observe the requirements made by Resolution No. 466/12, of the National Council of Health/Brazil (available at:, showing the opinion of the Institution's Research Ethics Committee in the methodology of work, • When the research involves transgenic products, the Biosafety Certificate must be informed in the methodology of work, according to Federal Decree No. 1,752 of December 20,1995. |
In relation to proximity with people, institutions or places, attention should be doubled to avoid conflict of interest. As for evaluation of a manuscript, involving authors and reviewers, Revista NUFEN, is committed to establish a policy that avoid involvement of people in personal relations, friendship or adversity, as well as involvement of people and institutions. This procedure seeks to assure confidence in the procedure of analysis of material submitted, with subsequent increase in credibility of the published works. In this regard, it is required that authors and reviewers inform the Editorial Board of Revista NUFEN in case of. • Connections and personal and institutional conflicts (of family or political party character) between reviewers and authors; • Financial support obtained during the development of the work that reflect in reading that might jeopardize the trustworthiness of the material. |
Revista NUFEN adopts open and free access to its contents in order to promote dissemination and democratization of scientific knowledge. |
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Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas
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